baby names

  1. R

    Baby girl name help!!

    My husband and I recently found out we are having a girl and despite having a million girl names on my list for years, I've found it quite difficult to decide on a name when it comes down to a real life baby! I don't think I can truly decide until I see her, but would love to go to the hospital...
  2. N

    Baby girl names that start with B

    My husband and I are looking for a baby girl name that starts with B or will go w/ my son’s name, Bolten! Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!
  3. K

    Would you think it's a boy, or a girl?

    Bailey Clay Davis🩷 Does it sound like a girl or a Boy? In your opinion
  4. R

    It’s a BOY💙

    I NEED NAMES!!! We want something completely unusual and unique. We have 2 girl called Lennyx and Sunday. I love harder sounding letters like x or z. My partner loves Ozzy but I’m not sold on it. I love Velzy or Swayze. Names we both like but don’t love are Harlem Shorie
  5. J

    Help settle a bet?

    My wife and I are going back and forth about baby names. I made up a name a few months back that I really like and think is unique but my wife absolutely hates. We have retired the name as an option, but my wife was picking fun at me about how atrocious it was. I insisted that surely SOMEONE...
  6. T

    New names I haven’t heard a million times

    Hi! I’m trying to find new names to pitch to my husband. I feel like every list has the same names! Not sure for a boy or a girl yet. Some of my faves that he does not like are: Mabel, Noelle, Silas, Holden Only rule is it cannot end and the long e sound. Our last name ends in a long e and I...
  7. R

    Baby Brother Names for a Theo NOT ending in letter O

    Hi folks, sorry to come in with a bit of a challenging one! In typical fashion my wife and I planned out and agreed on a girl name, but when we got the joyous news that we were having a baby boy we found ourselves stuck for boys names; she's got a ton she loves but I'm painfully picky as an...
  8. M

    4 Weeks- don’t judge lol

    Hey all. We are only 4 weeks but I’m allowed to be excited okay 😂😂 Trying to think of good middle names for Penelope. I personally said Penelope Sage but our other child has a J middle name so MJ and PJ would be cute. Also we clearly don’t know the gender but my husbands brothers have only...
  9. J

    Would you be upset?

    I had a miscarriage around six weeks ago. I’m a massive name nerd so I’d already picked out my names (Freddie for a boy or Elsie for a girl). Following my miscarriage I was at a bbq with my friends (one of which is pregnant with a boy). My Best friend asked her if she had any names in mind and...
  10. D

    Middle Name for Wren

    So my husband and I have settled on Wren as a name for our baby girl. It’s a play off his middle name (Reynolds) and struggling with a middle name. We were hoping to find a middle name starting with W to play ode to a family tradition of having the initials WWM. My middle name is Marie but is...
  11. D

    Name starting with 'j'

    Hi, I am looking for a name here is the list of requirements 1.short 2.starts with 'j' 3.easy to say Thank you in advance
  12. K

    Storybook sounding name for daughter

    We've had a few ideas, but nothing sounds quite right so far. We really want a magical storybook sounding name that still honors a couple of our family members. Today was the big ultrasound where we got to see our baby more and I can feel her move. It's starting to feel sad that we don't have a...
  13. G

    How much do initials matter?

    Our last name starts with W. We like a lot of names that start with E, but do you think they’d be made fun of for their initials spelling EW?
  14. H

    What middle name sounds good with Nathan

    I like J as a letter, K and D but I am open minded to others.
  15. G

    Sibling name for Jude

    My first born is Jude and we’re hoping to keep a 4 letter theme. We’re having another boy and I’m struggling to find another 4 letter boy name my husband and I both like. The middle name is set to be Edward and last name starts with the letter ”P”
  16. M

    Two Unique names which do you prefer

    Siblings Alba & Clisby If you have other suggestions PLEASE send them! Goals not top 1000, 1-2 syllables, no A,C,E,I,P. View Poll
  17. M

    Help us pick a baby girl name

    Please help us...we are very torn between baby girl names. We have three front runners 1) Josie Adalyn Lennon 2) Brooke Josie Lennon 3) Holly Josie Lennon Issues we are finding.... Surname is Lennon which can be a bit of a tongue twister with some first names....i.e. Holly has a double L and...
  18. B

    My cousin just stole my baby name that I had told her about in comfidence :(

    Me and my cousin grew up being best friends, I would often share all my secrets and feelings with her because I grew up in a unstable household where my mother would often leave my dads house and go to her sisters house i.e my cousins house. So a lot of my childhood was spent at her house...
  19. N

    Looking for boy names starting with “i” or “U”

    Title says it all. Any ideas.
  20. O

    Baby Boy Names?

    Pregnant with my 2nd boy and looking for somewhat unique/cool names! Vote for your most and least favorite in the comments. I know these are sorta weird - you're not going to offend me! Dakoda Oakley Teddy Dimitri Roman Crew Lennon (Lenny) Arlo Artemis Julian Adrian Dominic Vincent Apollo...