am i pregnant?

  1. L

    Chance me

    I had my period 3/27-3/31 and then has sex on 4/2 where the condom snapped. This was day 7 of my cycle. I freaked out and took 2 plan bs (I know I’m sorry I’m a 5’7 200lb woman and got scared). When we inspected the condom it was the usual clear/yellow tint and there seemed to be nothing inside...
  2. L

    Can I get pregnant w/o having sex?

    Uhh google is giving me mixed opinions on this so I decided to ask here since I have no trusted adults to ask. So I saw my bf a week or 2 ago and we were alone at his house, so one thing led to another but even tho we didn't have sex he rubbed my vagina w his dick for like 30 mins. He didn't cum...
  3. M

    thoughts? im not sure

    Last period was 11/4, currently on day 41 of cycle (not normal for me) & have not felt my usual pms symptoms, either. My bf & i did the deed several times (7 to be exact) this cycle & w/ condoms every single time. He only finished one time out of those instances & all have been intact. Just...
  4. S

    Can drinking vitamin E, omega 3 and vitamin C delay a period?

    I recently started taking supplements (march 25) period ended on march 17 or 18, I am already 2 days late (period started on march 13).
  5. K

    Im really scared i f’d up

    Im having a major pregnancy scare couse of my period being almost 2 weeks late now. Some time ago my boyfriend got a handjob from me under a blanket ( we used much lube and he didnt came but the precum and lube mixed and a lot of it got onto the blanket) and like 30 minutes later (he washed his...
  6. H

    implantation or spotting

    Hello, is implantation bleeding a thing? because i had light spotting that last for a day (may30) and my period is due next week (june 9) I took plan b at may 21 (2 hours before i had sex)z i’m scared if its implantation bleeding.
  7. T

    severe pregnancy anxiety

    on june 23rd my bf and I had protected sex (we haven’t had sex since then), he finished inside me (with the condom on) and when he was done and pulled out, we checked the condom to make sure there was no holes or anything (there wasn’t). My period was supposed to come July 1st but it still...
  8. C

    late 8 days or more (irregular period)

    Hi yall. im 19y(f) basically the monday after easter on april 2nd i got food poisoning/stomach flu so i threw up one day and had nausea and diarrhea that whole week w severe stomach pains like when food was bad n just didn’t sit right. . once i got better i decided to take a test because i was...
  9. D

    Pregnancy related?

    Hi, November 12 my bf fingered me after he came on his hand. He did wipe it off and then fingered me so if I’m correct, there should be nothing to worry about. November 26 (14 days after fingering) today, November 27th I’m feeling super nauseous. That’s my only symptom. I’m not sure if it...
  10. C


    I’m f(28) and I just started taking BC pills (Yasminelle) 6 days ago on my first day of period. I got my period last sunday and I took the pills right away and has been taking it religiously at 7.50am, never missed any minutes bcs I set an alarm for that and took the pills before the clock turns...
  11. B

    is there a possibility to get pregnant even though i was on my period?

    Heres some context, we were in the moment and whats done is done, he came in me multiple times but i was on the last/second last day of my period (this was around mid feb). Im not on any birth control and we didn’t use any other form of protection but i did take a plan b pill 2 days after the...
  12. Y

    I’m a little worried but the sane part of me is saying it’s just stress

    My period is 7 days late and I’m starting to get worried. Current cycle started Jan 20 = CD 1. Period ended Jan 24 = CD 5 (Mostly) protected sex on Jan 27 = CD 8. - He tried to stick it in without a condom at first and there was precum. Put on condom after maybe half a thrust. Apple...
  13. L

    hCG going up while heavy bleeding?

    I took a pregnancy test yesterday morning and had a very faint line, I went to get more tests and while I was there I started bleeding heavily. Took a second test and still had a faint line, called Ob and they got me to do blood test. My hCG came back at 9.3 so I really lost hope as I kept...
  14. B

    I’m 30 days late for my period but I took 5 pregnancy tests and they’re all negative

    I haven’t missed a period in the last 14 years so this is super strange for me. I feel like I am pregnant but I could just be hoping that I am. I’m not sure what to do, do I take a blood pregnancy test? Pls help!
  15. T

    Single Pink Line around 'C'

    No periods acter precum fingering, but today did a test after 22 days of precum fingering and 3 days of regular white discharge Did Prega Pregnancy Test at home, in India Showed pink single line at some 'C' option Is she pregnant?
  16. B

    Am I pregnant?

    Long story short, unexplained infertility for the last three years. Haven’t gone to a doctor since SO and I hadn’t been that interested in having kids currently. Since we figured I can’t get pregnant, we’ve been forgoing condoms/birth control. Can’t get pregnant anyway, we’re both each other’s...
  17. C

    Pregnancy Symptoms or Extreme Anxiety?

    Hello all - I will make this short and sweet. I have Generalized Anxiety Disorder and it is severely heightened right now during this whole COVID-19 mess. SO I am concerned about pregnancy due to the following fact pattern: 1) I take regular birth control, but missed two days this month. I...
  18. A

    Pregnancy scare after protected sex

    I had safe sex w my bf on April 1 and it was our first time, 4 days before my period, he was thrusting deep inside of me. He used a condom and came outside of me with it still on, we didn't check for leaks and tears but he's sure that it didn't break. Also, I am not on pills. April, day of my...
  19. P

    Plan B heavier flow 6 days later - withdrawal bleed/early period?

    I posted this on r/birthcontrol a little while back, but I decided to try here as well. A little backstory. My menstrual cycle is typically 30+ days long, never shorter. I also took birth control for 3 years before quitting it 3-4 months ago. Got my period every month since quitting, with the...
  20. B

    possible early pregnancy?

    ( currently don’t have access to a test, but i will be taking one on friday with a friend ) so for a little backstory my bf and i broke up several months ago and we have been seeing each other exclusively for sex since then. so a week or so ago me n my ex hooked up, no condom but he pulls out...