advice request

  1. G

    Packing lunch for your kids

    Hey guys, so I wanted to know what kind of lunches you pack for school, especially for little ones. My kid is in pre-K, and I'm running out of ideas for what to pack him for lunch. I bought one of those lunch boxes with a thermos, and I pack some spaghetti for him every once in a while, along...
  2. A

    Active Shooter Drills - Pre-K and K

    My two oldest boys are starting at a new school after summer break. I just learned from another parent that they will both be doing active shooter drills even at the ages of 4 and 5. Has anyone had an experience with this where your kids felt like it was a non-event? I’m feeling very anxious...
  3. T

    Alone w 3 children for a week…seeking tips

    Hi fellow Daddits, I posted on a similar topic before but it can’t hurt to recast your fishing line: I’m a SAHD and my wife is going out of town for work for six days/five nights. Kids are 7/4/1 yo. I’ve watched them like this twice before and it’s really hard but doable. I’m going to be a...
  4. J

    We are about to have baby #2 and I’m really nervous about the transition from 1 to 2

    Hey dads. So we already have a beautiful girl who is about to turn 2yo. My wife is currently pregnant with our second girl and she’s due early April. I feel like I finally got the swing of things raising a toddler and being a fully present dad. I work away from home 9 hours of the day and when...
  5. P

    I don’t know what to do

    Hey dads, I am currently in a very tricky situation. We have 3 children (0,2,4) and live in a 71 squarem flat. My mother lives in a 200squarem house in a small village with a huge garden about 40 km away from where we live. She is a narcissist and I have C-PTBS because of my childhood with her...
  6. J

    Are sleepovers at Grandparents normal for children 1 - 2 years old

    My wife is of the opinion that it would be uncommon for a child of my sons age (13 months) to sleep over at her mums on a regular basis, say 2 to 3 times a month. Grandma currently babysits 4 out of 5 days of the week, is late 50's, lives 20 mins away and has a spare room set up with cot. Id...
  7. R

    Baby gets here in a week, do I go with my PPO or HDHP?

    As the title says, my wife and I are getting ready for our baby’s arrival and I was wondering if y’all had any insight. Thanks in advance! PPO: 175 (premium Deductible: 500/1500 OOP: 3000/6000 Office Visit: PCP (20), telemedicine (20) Lab, Xray, inpatient, outpatient 20% after deductible...
  8. J

    The 'not your birthday present' tradition my M.I.L started

    My mother in law always means well, and I get along with her for the most part. I have 4 daughters aged 10, 9, 6, and 4. When my two oldest were born and had their birthdays, she thought it a good idea to buy the girl whose birthday it wasn't , a present. Because of this, my wife does the same...
  9. M

    F****ng Four…

    Hi there, My GF and I are going through a particularly difficult time since our kid is approx. 4 1/2 y.o. He refuses everything we may tell him, he is quite agressive (bite, punch) and especially with the cat. Moreover, his sleep schedule has drastically plummeted (7-8 hours per night) and as...
  10. M

    6 y/o boy walking around saying uWu and doing anime girl moans

    He says Jensen taught him it at school. Fuckin' Jensen. Anyway should I be concerned? How do I tell him those sounds are inappropriate? Is saying eWe bad? Can it get him in trouble at school? I'm kind of at a loss here guys. I've told him sex is how babies are made but that's about the extent of...
  11. B

    1 year and a half in - sleep is impossible

    Literally a living hell this. The girl is up 5/7 nights a week for hours on end in the middle of the night. We’ve tried everything from sleep therapist to changing her schedule during the day and night and nothing seems to work. How the f*** do people cope with this shit. I used to have a happy...
  12. L

    We need help on which crib to buy

    So hi,we are the 2 gay dads who will adopt our nephew from Turkey and we have started to follow the advice you have given.So far,we have arranged our parental leaves which we will take with 3 month turns. She is coming 6 days later and we haven't bought a crib yet. We are thinking about these...
  13. C

    When is it okay to rough house?

    You know, the type of play that makes mom nervous. 0-6 months; none, they’re gentle. Hold them and take care of them. Enjoy that time. 7-12 months; dangle from legs, throw up in air, a little rougher type play than just holding 1-2 years; lightly toss onto bed 3-5 years; WWE Hell in a Cell...
  14. A

    What do y’all do when your wife is away on a business trip and you’ve got all three kids 24/7?

    Bedtime is the most difficult. I have a 7/5/2, all trending up. My two year old either doesn’t nap for multiple days or naps one day for 3+ hours. I’m juggling everything.
  15. H

    I have full custody of my kids (4, 6 & 8) indefinitely and I don’t know how to tell them why

    Following my divorce 3 years ago, my ex faced legal trouble due to a DUI while our kids were with her, leading to a temporary loss of custody. Our divorce decree was updated with a rule: a breathalyzer if I suspected she'd relapsed. After two years without using it, I had to test her. She...
  16. U

    Dads breaking generational abuse, how do you discipline your kids?

    Struggling this morning after my 2 year old in his gymnastics class. Small potatoes, but he just doesn’t listen to me, the teacher, etc and I’m trying to get him to concentrate and not run off to do his own thing. My whole background is my own dad yelling at me, shaming me and hitting me. It...
  17. G

    When the fuck did you all stop sweating?

    Baby is starting to say simple words and I swear a socially acceptable amount, which is still kind of a lot. I feel like today the only words that are really not ok i wouldn't say (n word, k word, c word, three little f word, r word, etc.). But wondering about the others, does it really...
  18. N

    Kids are dropping the N-Word

    Kids are 7, 5 and 4. 7 year old is playing Minecraft after a few month break. She's forgotten most of what she had learned. The 5 year old starts calling her a newb/n00b. Thanks Youtube. I don't want them calling each other names and I don't want them calling other kids newbs either. So I tell...
  19. A

    Both of us work, but we have no after school childcare. How do you guys do it?

    Greetings daddits, New to the sub. I doubt this question has a satisfying answer, but if nothing else I'm curious on how others are dealing with it: My wife and I both work "full time". I have that in quotes b/c though my wife actually works full time as a teacher, I only sort of work full...
  20. E

    Single dads. How do you do it?

    I’ve been a single dad for almost 2 years now. If it wasn’t for my parents helping with childcare I’d be completely broke. How do you guys do it? I’ve seen super lean, happy and healthy single dads. I’d like to be that for my daughter. My relationship breakdown took quite the toll on my mind...