advice request

  1. E

    What’s the game plan today for my 4 y/o?

    We got him to bed at 8. Found out at 10 his light was on and he was playing with his trains. Put him to bed again. Put him to bed a third time at 11:30. Then he woke up at 5:00, made himself breakfast, and played with his train again. He usually gets 12 hours of sleep. Overall super weird...
  2. C

    Taking the step from Minecraft to Switch

    I've got two, 9 (B) & 7 (G). They currently only play Minecraft, for about the last two years. It's worked out great because they can be in each other's spaces in a mostly non-competive environment. We get very few fights and a lot of cooperation. But their friends have Switches or Xboxes...
  3. S

    7 month’s no sex drive

    Hello fellow dads, I’m looking for some insight. My wife is 7 months post partum and has no sex drive. She’s exclusively breastfeeding/pumping. I was just curious on how long this period lasted. Obviously I’m helping with the baby, washing bottles and pump parts, giving her time alone, I cook...
  4. Z


    I have a 3 year old daughter, and it has been the joy of my life to be her Dad. She's just so happy, affectionate, smart, beautiful and well-adjusted. Since, she's come around I've been jotting down the important things I wish I'd or been told when I was younger. Below is my list so far. Dad's...
  5. E

    2 v 3

    I’d love to get some thoughts on my situation. My wife and I have spent ages trying to decide whether or not to go for a third. We’ve got two boys (2 + 4) and my wife is desperate for a third. The stumbling block is that we are both in pretty busy jobs (hers more than mine), which means that...
  6. K

    3.5 Year Old Twin Behavior

    How do you all handle your kids constantly arguing with you and or telling you that you are wrong? My wife and I like to think we are pretty good, engaged parents. My wife stays home. Our kids are very polite and listen well in public. At home, it’s constant arguing and defiance. Also, our...
  7. M

    What are your best mind blowers for kids under 5?

    Seeing my kids expressions when I do the simplest of tricks is one of my favorite things. The detached thumb, quarter behind the ear, disappearing behind a thrown blanket while not hitting your knee running into the other room, etc. They're not all magic tricks, just mind blowers in general. I'm...
  8. N

    At what age do kids remember vacations?

    I would love to start taking my trips to bigger vacations, such as somewhere over seas or even just Disneyland. At what age is it worth it to splurge on a slightly expensive trip? They’re happy with play grounds and Chuck E Cheese, but it gets repetitive for my wife and I. A change of scenery...
  9. B

    White House Tours

    Family is taking a vacation to the DC/Baltimore area the week of the 4th of July. My sister in law is currently stationed at the White House and we are trying to arrange a tour (or tours) while we are there. The options are the East Wing, West Wing, or both (either same day or separate days). We...
  10. O

    Ridiculous Daycare/Pre-K Policy

    My daughter has been attending a local daycare for the last few years, we've had some issues with them, but they've been generally one-off kind of things. They're affordable, they do language immersion in my wife's native language, they give the kids three meals cooked in house every day, as...
  11. S

    I am at a loss with my 2.5 year old’s behaviour

    My son has been an absolute demon the last few months. I know people like to make jokes and memes about toddlers being a terror but this is genuinely awful. It’s really affecting us. It seems like normal toddlers have tantrums in relatively short bursts but his go on for ages, like an hour plus...
  12. F

    Wife STD but i dont have any

    Good morning fellow Dad's. This isn't exactly related to kids but we are having a 1 Year Old Son. She says it scratches her down there a lot lately & thinks it might be an STD that she would have gotten from me. Problem with this answer is -> we both took meds before/beginnibg of pregnancy (1.8...
  13. M

    Losing it; 2 y/o awake for hours at a time. How to break the cycle?

    Hey dads. I’m losing my mind, as is my wife. Our 2yo dayghter wakes up every night between 12-3 for HOURS on end. 2, 3, 4 hours is not unusual anymore. She wakes up, happy as all hell and the only thing that makes her sad is when she has to stay in bed or stay alone. Then she flips her shit...
  14. M

    Ideas for how to baby proof our hearth

    Hey all, We have a dual sided hearth which is about 7ft by 4ft. I'm wondering what you guys use to protect your kids from hurting themselves on the hearth. Thanks in advance. Edit to add image link
  15. M

    How do you find the energy to keep up around the house after the kids go to bed?

    Context: We've got three young kids (5M, 3F, and 6 month old baby) and my wife's a teacher so she's been home for the summer while I work a normal 8-5 office job. Typically it's always been she'll cook and clean what she can during the day with the kids while I'll take over at night. Ever since...
  16. J

    How late is your 7 year old’s bed time?

    We have a near 7 year old (birthday in a few days) and she has been an 8:30pm school night bedtime for quite some time (weekends are a bit later and can vary a bit later). She has been more consistently saying “I’m not tired” at bedtime lately, and at this age it seems a bit more genuine than...
  17. T

    8mo wakes up at 5:30AM regardless of bed time

    Bedtime is between 6 and 7. He's asleep no more than 30min after being put in his crib. He always wakes up a 5:30. He needs to be changed/fed, but will need a nap nor more than an hour later. One night we didn't get him down until 8 and I thought he would sleep until 630 or later. Nope, up...
  18. P

    Would you wear a personalized hat and/or shirt?

    I am a mom seeking advice from dads. I am trying to get a head start on a Father’s Day gift for my husband and saw an ad for personalized apparel that embroiders the outline of a picture on shirts or hats. My husband loves hats (has at least 20). I thought it’d be nice to get him either a hat...
  19. S

    Help! I'm stressing my wife out

    Hey fellow dads, I joined the club 4 days ago and have a beautiful baby girl! The reason that I come to all of you today is to ask for guidance and/or reassurance. I have been stressing my wife and myself about breastfeeding our daughter. I went into this with an expectation (I know, never...
  20. C

    The fiance wants security

    Hey guys, Got myself into a pickle. I'm depressed b/c I had to close my business to make 1/4 more cash as per her request durring her post partum depression. Still not to expectations. 75k CAD. SHE WANTS 100K. Have house and rental income. Make 12000k per month, both of us combined.(we make...