advice needed

  1. J

    How to prep for c-section ? Nervous!

    I’m starting to think about prepping for my c section (both baby boys are breech) in 6 weeks! I’m so nervous at as FTM. What should I buy for postpartum and recovery? No I dea where to start. I did just order some high waisted panties (although no idea what size I should have got)! Any...
  2. N

    Car seat post-infant style?

    Any recommendations? We’re currently 9 mos and in the uppababy mesa. She still fits but i think a rear-facing but more upright one would make her happier—she likes to look out the window and can’t really as is. I’m interested in the rotating ones but they’re so expensive. I’m also interested...
  3. K

    What baby items are helpful for starting solids?

    I have the Tripp Trapp high chair that was a group gift for us. I also have a silicone bib and 2 cloth ones, one of these pacifier looking things you can put food/frozen milk into, a wooden bowl with utensils, and 2 cups (one with a straw, one without). What are some items that y’all have...
  4. J

    Nervous about this pregnancy :(

    Hi all, I am currently pregnant with my 7th pregnancy. I have had an abortion, 3 losses, and I have two living LO’s (4 and 6) I found out I was pregnant on Feb 27th. I tested early and to my surprise, there was a line! I have taken about 50 tests since then LOL. Due to my history of loss, I am...
  5. D

    Help with sleep!

    Our b+g twins are almost 9 months old. They are growing so fast and its been amazing, except for nights 😩. When they were 6 months old, we all got a terrible cold, and their amazing sleeping habits all went to the trash chute! Since then, they each wake up 2-3 times a night, sometimes to feed...
  6. I

    Experience stopping progesterone suppositories?

    I’m on pregnancy 5, 1 living child. Currently 8w1d. Had brown watery discharge at 6w4d. Saw baby with a HB of 153 at 7w1d. Some background: I had a miscarriage at 9w4d on 12/1. Conceived first cycle after period returned, positive test 1/16 and we had a consult with an RE scheduled to discuss...
  7. R

    Your honesty please! FRER progression and stalling tests?

    Hi! I’d love your thoughts on my line progression please. I’ve posted it here and would be super grateful if you could take a look. I’ve noticed my tests look to have somewhat stalled, and on some tests even look a little lighter. Seeing others get their dye stealers around 15/16/17 DPO...
  8. J

    Newborn with super long wake windows?? Should I be concerned?

    So my LO is almost 3 weeks old. She sleeps really well at night generally. She’ll start going down after feedings around 7pm and wake up every few hours to feed until 6 or 7am. But then she’s a w a k e. I know newborn wake windows are supposed to be like 30-45 minutes apparently but that’s...
  9. L

    How long do your babies sleep? What’s your sleep setup?

    My 8 week old twins are sleeping 0.5 - 2hrs. The 2hr stretches are sooo rare. They snack and snack and snack - I’m EBFing. Reaching a point of exhaustion. I want to know your babies’ longest stretch of sleep at night? How old are they and what’s your sleep setup? Looking for light at the end...
  10. R

    TTTS/preterm labour didi

    Hello! I’m 31+5 with Di/Di twin boys! On Thursday last week(31+2) I went to my local hospital for my routine weekly iron transfusion. During this 2 hour transfusion I started having contractions, I was sent to the birthing unit(L&D) for an NST. I had not felt twin B move in 2-3 days at that...
  11. S

    Please help me figure out this NT scan because I OB office can not. :(

    So I originally had the scan scheduled for 11 weeks 2 days ( may be more like 11, 3 for me because baby is a day ahead on the 7 week and the 6 week scans I have had). Well I got a call this morning that I need to reschedule because I have to be between 11-13w6d. I tried explaining I was 11w2d...
  12. V

    Looking for feedback about going to Pre K (US)

    We have kept our 4 year old twins at home because day care would be basically the same cost of what my wife would make going back to work, plus the added risks of them getting sick with various things. We are now trying to plan for Pre K. Our local public school system only offers full day...
  13. C

    Formula Amount & Preterm Babies Question

    I’m not sure if anyone will have the answer for this (but hopefully someone has found out previously and can answer!). Especially since everything online just gives you the same handful of ‘blanket’ answers - assuming that clearly you just mean X, Y & Z (despite your actual question having...
  14. A

    Any experience with cyclogest?

    My ob/gyn has prescribed me cyclogest and I’m not sure whether to take it as my progesterone levels are actually pretty good (I think!). I am 32 and have a history of infertility and miscarriage, most recently with a ruptured ectopic and subsequent salpingectomy at Christmas 2023. I am in the...
  15. P

    Would u take a 7-10d holiday without your 2yo?

    I have to go to Central America for a work conference (poor me, lol). Its to the no.1 country I've always wanted to visit since we studied it at school. Me and my partner are discussing tagging on a holiday. At the time, our son will be around 2yo. We discussed taking him but figured a) it will...
  16. S

    Thank Yous Gift for L&D Nurses

    Gave birth to our baby boy after a very long labor. The nurses were all so amazing and we want to do something special to thank them. I was thinking of sending them bagels and donuts to come a bit before shift change so the two shifts could share. And include a card that would thank all the...
  17. S

    High PAPP-A *AND* low beta-hCG

    Hi everyone, I just received my blood test results and I wonder what does such combination of PAPP-A and beta-hCG indicate, I googled a bit but I couldn't find anything but I'm pretty sure it's not typical. beta-hCG 38,3 iu/l, 0.675 MoM PAPP-A 4,71 iu/l, 2.197 MoM Hope anyone has some info...
  18. R

    8 w/o projectile vomiting

    My 8 week old started projectile vomiting last week but it is only happening once a day. I’m paranoid she has pyloric stenosis but she is still having wet nappies and keeping down the rest of her feeds. She is on Omeprazole for reflux already but I’m not sure if I should be contacting my Dr...
  19. B

    HCG took 1 week to double between 6w4 and 7w4

    A bit freaked out by today's HCG draw (39DPO / 7w4 and my fifth overall - I've been going weekly since I got my positive pregnancy test since I'm working with an RE.) While the overall number is in range for 7 weeks at 58,364, my doubling time was a full week (172.8 hours). The pregnancy is...
  20. N

    Car seat post-infant style?

    Any recommendations? We’re currently 9 mos and in the uppababy mesa. She still fits but i think a rear-facing but more upright one would make her happier—she likes to look out the window and can’t really as is. I’m interested in the rotating ones but they’re so expensive. I’m also interested...