4 - 6 months

  1. H

    Training our 6 month old but what do we do when he turns himself sideways? (see pic in thread)

    I think he would be more efficient at training but only 1-3 minutes into his windows, he turns himself sideways and headbutts the bars, making it impossible for him to fall asleep. How are we to go about this without popping in every couple of minutes?
  2. L

    Daycare won’t cap naps

    Somehow, the daycare ladies are able to get my 5.5mo to nap for 3 hours in the middle of the day, usually 11:00-2:00. However this is creating a problem with not enough awake time spaced out over the day resulting in split nights and EMW. The daycare said they legally cannot wake him any earlier...
  3. H

    How do you CIO with nightdress?

    My 4.5 month twin girls have been better at sleeping in their cribs so now I feel a bit less guilty about sleep training lol My issue with their sleep is getting them into bed (without milk) and without being rocked for 2+ hours almost every night. Twin B put herself to sleep last night...