šŸ„ infant 2-12 months

  1. F

    Feeding question

    How to you switch breasts at night with cosleeping and feeding? Does everyone just have a ā€œnight timeā€ boob? šŸ˜‚ my LO sleeps on my left side so I would feed her in side lying in the L, but I donā€™t feel comfortable switching our positions because my partner is also in the bed and that would put...
  2. U

    Husband wants to stop cosleeping and let baby CIO

    Our baby has had a tough time sleeping since she exited the womb nine months ago (8mo corrected age). I finally got her into a good nap schedule last month. On a good day, her schedule is approximately 2.75/3/3.5 with two naps ranging from 1 hr to 1.5 hr (between 2-3 hrs of daytime rest). Her...
  3. T

    Infant sleep

    Hi all, I am a mum of a 4 month old and have been bed sharing for a month and a half. We have a queen bed that is on the ground, I do have my own pillow and blanket and have that wrapped fully around me. My baby doesn't really move right now, like no rolling at night yet so haven't really been...
  4. D

    Celebration! šŸŽ‰

    TLDR: My contact-napping, bedsharing 5-month-old got 5+ hours of independent sleep on his floor bed, no sleep training needed! It's 1 a.m. and there is no one else up to share my excitement, so I figured I would post it here. Hopefully someone will find it encouraging! We parent with a mix of...
  5. H

    Calling all Velcro baby mamas

    My baby hasnā€™t been able to sleep in a bassinet or crib since he was born. I have contact napped and coslept for 4 months. For the first three, I could just put him to sleep at 8 or 9 pm either by nursing or rocking on a yoga ball. I did this in our living room and would hang out on the couch...
  6. C

    8 month old silent reflux baby

    Hi all! I've posted several times in r/sleeptrain and r/beyondthebump and haven't received much help. I have an 8 month old baby who we are at our wits end trying to get to sleep. She is ebf and will take a bottle. She's teething but has no teeth yet. She is not crawling yet. She wakes up at...
  7. G

    is it 4 months regression?

    Hello!! last 2 days, my LO keep waking up every 2 hours. 7:30pm bedtime. slept in her crib for 2hours & then wakes up 10:30pm, (i'll bring her next to me to feed side lying) then she goes back to sleep after 10 mins and then wake up again at 12:30am, 2:30am, 4am, then 5:30am or 6am for wake...
  8. S

    Decreasing number of night feeds while cosleeping

    Hi! My baby is 6 months and weā€™ve been cosleeping on and off since she was a few weeks old but consistently for the past two months. From 3-4 months she did fairly well in her bassinet next to the bed, eating 0-2 times between 10 and 6 the average night. Since sheā€™s been back in bed with me...
  9. P

    Do you tell your pediatrician youā€™re bedsharing ?

    We came back from our two-month appointment earlier today and everytime we go see our pediatrician, we get asked if our daughter is still sleeping on her back, in her own crib ( which she did for a total of 2 nights since birth lol)ā€¦ To which, I completely fucking lie and say ā€œyesā€ while my...
  10. L

    Safely co sleeping

    I just started co sleeping with my 7.5 month old. I have literally tried all sleep training none work and I have no support. She can easily roll back and forth and pick herself up. The issue we are having is that she moves closer to be next to me or my husband and Iā€™m scared of us not knowing...
  11. P

    Cosleeping as a tool for handling sleep regression?

    My baby is 4.5 months and the sleep regression is killing me. I do all night wake ups and care for him during the day while my husband is at work. We have no family around us and he only naps for 30-40 minutes so I canā€™t nap when he does. The sleep deprivation is almost worse than it was when he...
  12. A

    6.5 month old- waking every hour

    Iā€™m hoping someone has some advice for me! My 6.5month old son and I have been Co-sleeping almost from day 1. He just doesnā€™t seem to be able to connect his sleep cycles at all! He actually feeds 2-3 times a night. But like clock work he wakes, and goes 0-10 hunting for my boob! I always give...
  13. H

    First time being mom shamed was because of co-sleeping

    I FTM (24f) was mom shamed for the first time by a soon to be mother 2 weeks ago and I cannot stop thinking about it. My older sisters best friend who is like a sister to me is expecting her first child. My baby boy is currently 4 months old and we were chatting and she was asking my advice/...
  14. J

    Turned back in sleep

    Iā€™m a FTM and my LO is 3.5 months now. I started co sleeping with him when he was around 3 months and we both sleep so incredibly well now (he was a terrible sleeper before)! I sleep with the c curl position and usually fall asleep while feeding him. Last night I woke up when he cried and I had...
  15. J


    My baby girl is 6 months old. She slept 8 hour stretches from 2-4 months and then the 4 month sleep regression hit, hard. For the last 6 weeks or so, she will only fall asleep nursing and if I try to put her down in her crib in her room or the pack n play in my bedroom she immediately wakes up...
  16. M

    Overeating if not bed sharing

    Reworded post: Iā€™m curious to know if anyone else experienced similar. Between 6 & 7 m.o., my (now almost 8 m.o.) LO demonstrated intense separation anxiety and we started bed sharing. After this, she magically started sleeping through the night (we were told this typically happens around 6...
  17. C

    We canā€™t bed share because my baby is formula fed? Explain

    A few nights ago my 8 week year old and I started bedsharing because he wouldnā€™t sleep unless being held which means I wasnā€™t sleeping at all. Additional info on that down below. So it was either: accidentally fall asleep with him in my arms on the couch / rocking chair, or intentionally bed...
  18. G

    How can I get my 8 month old sleeping in his crib? WITHOUT crying it out

    I need some advice. I (26F) need help getting my 8 month old to sleep in his crib but I donā€™t want to use the CIO method. How long can I let him cry before itā€™s the CIO method?? I canā€™t get myself to let him cry more than 5 minutes before my heart is breaking and I go to him. Eventually he ends...
  19. C

    4.5 month old irritable/fussing in sleep

    My once great sleeper seems to be in full sleep regression. From very early on he only woke two or three times in the night to nurse. At about 15 weeks he started wanting to nurse about once every 2 hours throughout the night. He wouldnā€™t cry, just do his standard grunting/rooting routine to let...
  20. P

    Please convince me to cosleep

    UPDATE: I bought an Owlet and a box fan (our bedroom doesnā€™t have a ceiling fan) and we coslept last night. Yā€™ALLā€¦. Iā€™m NEVER going back. Last night was the best night of my life. Just getting to kiss my babyā€™s little ravioli hands throughout the night, staring at her chubby face as she slept...