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  1. K

    My baby won’t sleep and I’m at the end of my rope

    @pz128 When you’ve tried cosleeping what’s the set up? Asking bc it was a very similar situation with my baby until I discovered the cuddle curl while nursing to sleep. Also.. in the very beginning so like the first 4 months or so, if she absolutely would not fall asleep with me on her own...
  2. K

    What do you tell your pediatrician about sleep?

    @yoshinat0r There’s a lot of research out there for either side so yeah I know what you mean, it’s hard to decide what’s best, and like.. who are we to question the advice of medical professionals. It really is a hard decision to make because there’s pros and cons to both sleep training and...
  3. K

    What do you tell your pediatrician about sleep?

    @yoshinat0r I lied up until she was like 9 months then admitted to “sometimes” letting go her sleep with me, they didn’t seem to care. Then by the 12 m appointment I was honest about it but when I said she still nurses throughout the night they started giving me crap. I genuinely did not...
  4. K

    Did any of y’all lose weight AFTER weaning??

    @ljcsoghmomas It’s such a toxic thing to say too! The whole time I was pregnant my MIL kept saying “don’t worry, you’ll lose it all as soon as you start breastfeeding like I did.” Well.. come to find out she only actually tried breastfeeding for like 3 days. Like why on earth would someone...