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  1. Z

    FTM — All my baby hand-me-downs clothes reek of toxic detergent and I can’t wash the smell out

    @ch3apshad3s In my experience, once they're washed 3 or so times, I can't detect the smell. You could also try stripping them, but that's not gentle or without chemicals, either. I personally wouldn't worry too much. Ps. No use in combining baking soda and vinegar. They make bubbles yes, but...
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    No preschool?

    @lizzieb90 I wasn't really planning on doing preschool, either. The plan is for me to be home full-time and then maybe get a job part-time while she's in elementary school so I can take care of the house, meals, doctors appointments, etc. and keep our stress level down (if I went back to work it...
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    For those of you who had options, what made you pick the SAHP life?

    @hew0007 It wasn't a tough decision for me lol. I was planning on going back to work after 12 weeks. My postpartum mama heart couldn't bear it though. I told my husband maybe 4 weeks postpartum that I didn't want to send her to daycare, that I just couldn't, and his response was (shockingly)...
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    "HoW mUcH dO yOu GeT wHeN yOu PuMp?"

    @audreyl Damn that's also crazy that the overproducers were trying to tell you how to overproduce. Like... over- production has its own set of very painful problems!
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    "HoW mUcH dO yOu GeT wHeN yOu PuMp?"

    @bonbonmon Haha thank you!
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    "HoW mUcH dO yOu GeT wHeN yOu PuMp?"

    @snowymtn Lol!!
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    "HoW mUcH dO yOu GeT wHeN yOu PuMp?"

    @snowymtn Absolutely agree!! You just reminded me about my MIL'S obnoxious persistent question. She'd ask me every damn time I saw her how much milk my exclusively breastfed baby drank. MIL knew my baby was exclusively breastfed, she was supportive of that. And yet, she somehow thought that I...
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    Anyone ever experience an off interaction w/ one of your kid’s providers?

    @roxchristian I've never felt judged by a practitioner for being a SAHM, but I have actively done my research and handpicked providers. There was one pediatrician (before I did my research) i didn't like at all, I promptly switched pediatricians. I will say, I live in a pretty baby friendly...