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  1. A

    How do I stop worrying about the “numbers?”

    @hasibiz I’m saying this as gently as I can - talk to someone. This sounds like PPA and I think that talking to someone (a doctor or a nurse/midwife/health visitor etc) would be very beneficial. Anecdotally, with my first, I had a horrific experience with breastfeeding that meant my baby was...
  2. A

    How much does your baby eat in a day?

    @bruyas And to show the difference, I also have an 11 week old born on 02/02 and he drinks about 36oz a day. He has 6oz bottles around every 3 hours in the day and then sleeps from around 8:30pm-2am, has a 6oz bottle and then sleeps again until around 6:30am. He was 7lbs10oz when he was born and...