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    Can I/should I ask NICU not to give my baby formula if we have enough EBM?

    @imchad She can/should get in big trouble for giving a baby food that they aren’t ordered to receive. Even if it had been discussed, that’s not the same thing as having the order to do something. You wouldn’t be wrong to ask for the charge nurse and tell her about what happened (with focus on...
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    Premie baby coming home on 1/2 liter oxygen

    @sophiepoeta One of my 27 week twins came home on 0.5lpm O2. At home, where he’s not being seen by a doctor every single day, the weaning process is kind of nonexistent. With his pulmonologist approval, I kind of weaned him myself (took O2 off while he was awake, and kept pulse-ox on and just...
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    Can I/should I ask NICU not to give my baby formula if we have enough EBM?

    @imchad How old is your little guy (gestational age wise)? Have they been using donor milk to fill gaps in your supply? Donor milk is only medically appropriate(necessary) to a certain point, most NICUs transition away from it between 32-34 weeks and switch to using formula to fill in any gaps...
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    Double umbrella stroller reds for big (>40 lb) 3 y.o. twins

    @am1inside The Zoe Twin+ has a 45lb limit per seat and the Valco Slim Twin is 48lbs per seat. I have a Valco (different model, the snap duo trend) and fly with it constantly and love it! For two bigger kids, a true umbrella stroller sounds difficult. I’d want something that is fairly smooth to...
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    ROP in 9 month old experiences?

    @ozy20 My son has been patched on and off, he’s had 2 eye surgeries and got glasses at age 2. If you’re not being seen by a pediatric ophthalmologist that’s definitely something to pursue asap!
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    Baby to her own room at 10 weeks?

    @jul1a My twin B came home on his due date and slept in my room for about 6 weeks. Twin A was older when he came home but he only slept in my room for one (miserable, very sleepless) night before i yeeted him down the hall to share with his brother. They were both noisy sleepers and they kept me...
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    Cake for 1st birthday?

    @stay_tattd4_lyfe I did banana bread “cake” with whipped cream frosting for my 27 weekers’ first birthday. It was mostly just for the pictures anyway but they did enjoy it!
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    Reservoir Q’s

    @mikalister NICU nurse and parent here- My son had grade 4 brain bleeds and has a shunt. He does have CP and he uses a wheelchair. But he’s the happiest, smartest kid you’ve ever met. His disability is an important part of him, but it’s far from the only important thing about him. His bleeds...
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    Wondering who else has dealt with high acid levels?

    @kayvin Even if the (past) acidosis is caused by an infection or PDA, one thing that can help correct acidosis is to increase the baby’s respiratory support. Acidosis occurs when there is excess carbon dioxide in the blood, and exhaling is how the body can quickly get rid of that excess CO2...
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    Feeding into mucous fistula - can it be done at home?

    @rahmcd NICU nurse here. Unfortunately babies with complex gut issues can have some of the longest NICU stays, even if they aren’t preemies. I’ve only ever seen my facility discharge one child home during refeeding into an MF, and that was a unique/weird case for many reasons (and the baby was...
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    Discharge with feeding tube

    @this_dot The g-tube is the best choice that could have been made for my son. He’s 4 now, still has it (his feeding issues are more extensive than just “lack of endurance” - many NICU grads who need gtubes can wean off of them way before now, some around one year old or even before) and he is...
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    Double stroller for small trunk

    @latashamay13 Do you have a specific budget in mind? The Valco snap duo trend fits in my VW Atlas with the third row up, but it was a splurge for sure There are somewhat cheaper options with similar size/fold like the Valco Slim Twin and the Baby Jogger City Tour Double but they’re still...
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    Risk of NEC in 6-month premie?

    @saintvron The risk for a now 6 month old, ex-35 weeker would be very low, probably not appreciably different than the risk for a term baby. Vomiting is probably either a tolerance issue (you could try hypoallergenic formula like Nutramigen or Alimentum if you prefer) or just a “nature of...
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    35 weeks premie: currently 9 weeks but 4 weeks adjusted… need help please!

    @bacondoughtnuts I’d be cautious with probiotics, there is recent evidence of risks to gut health in preemies to the point that my nicu has stopped routinely using them, when we used to give them to almost everyone based on the previous evidence based practice. I also… wouldn’t listen to a chiro...
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    35 weeks premie: currently 9 weeks but 4 weeks adjusted… need help please!

    @bacondoughtnuts All of this sounds extremely, completely, 100% normal! Babies are gassy and many newborns poop/shart constantly, sometimes every single diaper change. Both are fine. Simethicone and/or bicycle legs, tummy massages, etc can help with gas, but to some extent fussiness around gas...
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    Antibiotics given for RDS and I’m mad about it

    @sandlapper3 This. Almost every baby who needs NICU admission, especially for respiratory issues, will get antibiotics as standard of care because the risks of routine abx are soooo low compared to the risks of an untreated infection in a newborn. I’d much rather my baby get antibiotics they...
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    24 Calorie Formula

    @mindygail Go with the Mead Johnson recipe since they’re the formula manufacturer. Displacement to the naked eye is hard to measure especially when you’re making individual bottles and shaking them- the foam at the top is hard to quantify and makes it look like there’s more than there really is...