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  1. W

    She's drain my desire to care

    @horses4jesus California, Child support can go as long as 19 if they are attending high school full time. 19 would be unusual though, he'll be 18.5 if he were to graduate on time though.
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    She's drain my desire to care

    @horses4jesus It totally sucks but you're right. What are we supposed to do? Now I'm just waiting for his mother to actually try to do the paperwork to change it to full custody for her. I won't fight it a lot but I will fight it some - the amount of child support I would have to pay is...
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    She's drain my desire to care

    @horses4jesus I am in a similar situation with my oldest (17m). As his mother's and my relationship deteriorated and her behavior towards me grew more and more challenging (kind of abusive, definitely disrespectful and entitled) his followed suit. He says he doesn't love, nor does he respect...
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    Teen retaliation

    @scottwilson I'm actually not the mama, I'm the Dad. Mama has a bigger tendency to enable than I do but I do realize that I have enabled as well.
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    Teen retaliation

    @scottwilson Yup! All of that sounds so familiar. I still deal with him as I haven't totally cut him off but it's so stressful and hard. He has to do everything the hardest way. He's got a job (a good thing!) but he's involved with an equally toxic girl (I should say woman - they are both 19)...
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    Teen retaliation

    @scottwilson It sounds like you're dealing with some sort of oppositional defiance disorder. My oldest has it and it's a nightmare. I can't point to anything that was 'successful.' He's out of the house now but he's incredibly difficult to even get along with. It's exceedingly challenging...
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    I am at my wits end with my daughter’s (16f) sleep schedule. Any advice, kind words and virtual hugs accepted

    @liljohnnymac I had a teenager with these kinds of challenges and removal of all electronic devices as core to them starting to get some good sleep hygiene. It's challenging, especially when they are on the cusp of adulthood. You can't force them to do anything and in my case the child simply...
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    Do you correct your ex when they lie? Whether it’s to your child’s providers or to someone else when you’re present?

    @lazarus58 If you feel like you're being gaslit - then start writing stuff down in a journal so you can make sure you're validating your own reality and that validation will keep you from questioning yourself. You can't control what they do and holding them accountable isn't really something...