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  1. M

    3 Chemicals .

    @jyothipriyanka We are in the exact same boat! I’m also 31 and healthy, and also conceived my first quickly (3 cycles, with a loss on cycle 1) and also started trying for our second in May with no success except 4 losses: 2 chemicals at 4-4.5 weeks, 1 chemical/early miscarriage at 5 weeks, and a...
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    What milestones were hardest for you on your TTC journey?

    @hotinco The 9 month mark was rough, considering your chance of getting pregnant before the dreaded 1 year mark is dwindling and your per cycle chance take a nose dive after that. And that over 80% of people my age have already gotten pregnant. And also the dreaded “unexplained” diagnosis.
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    Frustrated that husband isn’t taking TTC seriously

    @noahama DNA fragmentation and poor sperm quality is one of the main causes of RPL, this study found that couples with RPL had 2x the DNA fragmentation of couples without miscarriage. So it is very significant.
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    Frustrated that husband isn’t taking TTC seriously

    @noahama Yes, they are thinking likely high DNA fragmentation so are going to test that next. I’m not sure why you are trying to blame me for my losses?
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    Can luteal phase defect be a sign of bad eggs?

    @want2bsober I’m sorry your RE is being dismissive about the possibility of it being a sperm issue. What a shame because as a woman she really should know better. Your AMH is great (I’m assuming this is Ng/ml?)! It is completely average (I think pretty much bang on 50th percentile according to...
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    Frustrated that husband isn’t taking TTC seriously

    @noahama I’ve done a full RPL panel and everything came back negative (and my clotting antibodies are about as far from the cutoff as can be). My RE thinks that the SA is not very good, ideally healthy motility should be over 50% and concentration should be over 40 mil/ml so he is quite a lot...
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    Can luteal phase defect be a sign of bad eggs?

    @want2bsober No. Luteal phase defect usually means that you might have low progesterone but that is not linked to egg quality. Egg quality is mostly determined by age and whether you have certain conditions that can cause inflammation in the ovaries or cause eggs to be immature (e.g PCOS and...
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    Frustrated that husband isn’t taking TTC seriously

    @notthereyet He does. We both agreed to have a second child. But he is more ok with it if it doesn’t happen, whereas I’m more willing to do anything to make it happen (I’m ok with doing more invasive and expensive things like IUI and IVF - even multiple rounds of IVF if we can get some of it...
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    Frustrated that husband isn’t taking TTC seriously

    We’ve been trying to conceive for about a year now with 4 early losses between 4-7 weeks. My husband (34M) has gotten his SA results (other than morphology) and it is quite bad. His sperm concentration (15 mil/ml) and motility (40%) are both low and rapid progressive motility is extremely low...
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    Anyone have slow rising HCG and the pregnancy still ended up being viable?

    @kaddy Even if early in pregnancy, like would say an HCG of 8 at 11 DPO, 14 at 13 DPO, 24 at 15 DPO, etc be ok? I’ve just honestly never seen numbers that low in viable pregnancies ever. I was at over 200 by 14 DPO in both of my clinical pregnancies (although I understand that average is like...
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    Anyone have slow rising HCG and the pregnancy still ended up being viable?

    @josephjurg Yes I know that but I’m asking more in terms of anecdotes of cases where hcg started low and progressed slowly. I’ve had now 4 pregnancies where hcg didn’t increase properly (and all ended before 5 weeks), and 2 pregnancies where it increased more than appropriately and it ended in a...
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    Anyone have slow rising HCG and the pregnancy still ended up being viable?

    I’ve had 1 miscarriage at 7 weeks, 1 confirmed chemical at 5 weeks, and 2 suspected chemicals (a couple of days of faint lines with period a day late with large clots) within the past 8 months. I’m currently 11 DPO and have had a very faint positive the past 2 days. It is quite worrying as...