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  1. K

    Would You Rather: House Addition

    @mem5 I don’t think we’d regret either choice either!
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    Would You Rather: House Addition

    @mem5 No sidewalks at all unfortunately, and on a fairly busy scenic street. Walking on the edge of the road with a stroller wouldn’t be safe, never mind trying to supervise a toddler on a bike lol. Not really a “strolling” neighborhood. It’s pretty car dependent, whereas option A is super...
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    Would You Rather: House Addition

    @mem5 Thank for you this response. I’ll definitely do the coin flip with my husband later lol that method has worked for other things before! Your second paragraph resonates and I think is why my husband pushed for option A- the neighborhood is their “yard” and our yard is my chicken coop 😂...
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    Would You Rather: House Addition

    @mem5 Absolutely, one of the main reasons pushing me towards House B, but husband likes the location of House A soooo much
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    Would You Rather: House Addition

    @malak Agreed! And maybe that’s where I’m torn- I feel that they both do. A more isolated house with more land and space fits me, but so does a smaller house in an awesome community. Wasn’t sure if anyone had faced a similar choice and regretted/was happy with their decision later
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    What happens if I never sleep train my baby?

    @anceadcathach Second HeySleepyBaby. She’s amazing. I didn’t sleep train my son. For the first year, he slept like crap. Up 2-6 times a night with no end in sight for us. Coslept, rocked to sleep, nursed to sleep, all the stuff you’re told not to do because it’ll make “bad habits” 🙄 A day...
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    Would You Rather: House Addition

    Commenting to add that if we decided on the small house that needs updating, we can technically afford to update it and to add a second story when needed. We’d just likely not be able to get our money back on it for a very very long time, so it would mean a 15+ year commitment! But, buying it...
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    Would You Rather: House Addition

    @asphaltpotato In the house we currently rent (which is conveniently in neighborhood A) we actually have a fort and a sandpit for our toddler to play with. He hates it 😂 BUT the little stinker loves the neighborhood park which has similar stuff! He seems, at least for now, not too entertained...
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    Would You Rather: House Addition

    @ocean_soul Definitely thought of this too. My husband and I aren’t conspiracy theorists by any means, but for the last few years we’ve seen just how much is out of our control. A decent sized plot of land where we can grow some food and get some free eggs/chickens seems appealing. My concern...
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    Would You Rather: House Addition

    @patersonchristian We definitely want the best of both worlds and are frustrated that where we live simply doesn’t have it 😂
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    Would You Rather: House Addition

    @patersonchristian Every area is different for sure! We are just shocked because only 4 short years ago, prices were half of what they are now! Either house could be either a for-kids home or a forever home. House A has the neighborhood I’d want my middle schoolers biking in, and would offer...
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    Have any of you gotten fit *during* your pregnancy?

    @vanillasunflowers I think you can totally work on strength and overall fitness during pregnancy, so long as you do not introduce any new extremes (ex: you’ve never lifted weights but suddenly decide to do CrossFit your first trimester) and you honor your body/new limitations. I think that the...
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    Would You Rather: House Addition

    @moneyptu2015 Agreed, it’s one of the most desirable neighborhoods in our whole state, and for a good reason. Unfortunately it’s one of the only ways we’ve seen in a while- anything under 500K is rare in this area, and they’re all fixer uppers anyway. The neighborhood is either small fixer...
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    Would You Rather: House Addition

    @moneyptu2015 No, but we are in the Southeast!
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    Would You Rather: House Addition

    @gladysrivera Thanks for the response! Our good friends down the street from House A are building an addition with a 2 year old and a 8 month pregnant mama…and she is so stressed lol. Doesn’t seem fun but would be inevitable, as House A would eventually require a second story to be added and we...
  16. K

    Would You Rather: House Addition

    @brucepjr True! We like the location of house A better, which is why it’s become a tough decision. If we could pick up house B and put it in neighborhood A, we would lol
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    Would You Rather: House Addition

    @starlightviolet199 I know it seems so silly but at one point we lived a 15 minute drive from our friends who had also just had babies, and we never saw them 😂 now that we could live down the street from so many of our friend couples, it would just make play dates easier. And as a SAHM, I’d love...
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    Would You Rather: House Addition

    @katrina2017 Gotcha, so you’d say that in your experience, walkability and convenience is more valuable than more space?
  19. K

    Would You Rather: House Addition

    @naka Short and to the point and I salute you for it 😂
  20. K

    Would You Rather: House Addition

    @uniquetexasgirl What’s funny is that in this area there’s several contracting companies that offer services to add a second story without the family having to move out, because so many people in neighborhood A eventually have to add on 😂 so it would be stressful but doable for sure