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  1. S

    2-2-5-5 schedule with a 6 and 9 year old. Please share your wisdom about what I can expect down the road

    @fellowheirs My SS was on 2255 for a couple years and it was good when he was younger. But once he started school he just really started struggling with the transitions and it was agreed to trial 7/7. It was a huge success and suited his temperament better. Helps that there’s soccer practice...
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    Are wasting our time on this?

    @paradis Yep I was just thinking about what will happen when he starts a family of his own. It will become even more apparent to him (and your son) that he feels differently about his own children and quite rightly want to prioritise them and providing for and nurturing them. I would not...
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    Are wasting our time on this?

    @rvanengen10 Brutal honesty here. This man isn’t his father at all. It’s challenging enough to be a stepmom to your partners biological child let alone a child he is in no way related to or responsible for. I wouldn’t accept it from a partner to be honest. It’s too much and I highly suspect...
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    Is it weird that my ex and I say “love you” to each other?

    @jacquelinelouise92 You know she’s purposely not answering you because she knows she would lose her mind if he set emotional boundaries with her. Queue the ‘everything was perfect until she came along’ 🙄
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    Is it weird that my ex and I say “love you” to each other?

    @skupi I trust my husband too. I trust he’s not telling his ex she’s beautiful and that he loves her. Why don’t you try him?
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    Is it weird that my ex and I say “love you” to each other?

    @skupi In total honesty this the level you describe above where he’s calling you beautiful and you’re saying he’s your best friend would be marriage shattering for me as a stepmum. It would take a shit load of therapy to come back from. I think partially because of the sheer heart and soul I’ve...
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    Ex taking son to Disney for birthday

    @hebrewcalendar12 So was my cousins son. Except he wasn’t diagnosed with ADHD but with a dyslexia as well as another very specific learning by disorder. His acting up in school was his response to feeling ‘stupid’. He’s had extra support in school and a tutor since and he’s doing so well.
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    Ex taking son to Disney for birthday

    @holyghostfire777 One thing I’ve noticed on these blended/coparenting subs is that Disneyland in particular can evoke some very big feelings in Americans that seem interesting to me as an outsider. A trip to a theme park taken by my stepsons other side would also have absolutely nothing to do...
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    Sharing Photos with CoParent

    @rvin We just share photos of things that one parent misses that they might have been at if not for work, travel or other things that couldn’t be missed. And even then only really good ones.
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    New baby announcement - hurt feelings

    @jambor This message is nearly identical to the message my husband sent BM. We also told SS at the start of our week on then followed with that text to BM so she had time to process. There was no malice, no spite, just facts. You’re not entitled to anything more from them at this point. This...