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  1. J

    TDaP vaccination and troubles

    @akeeda Oh I know! My issue is absolutely not with disagreeing or anything--everyone does what they feel like they need to for their kids. I had something else I was going to add but I totally forgot it. If I remember I'll message you later.
  2. J

    TDaP vaccination and troubles

    @akeeda To me, it's whatever you, personally, are most comfortable with when it comes to your kids. At the end of the day we all want to do the best we can. I just couldn't see exaggerating what she was actually asking people to do, which was really the point of my previous (rambling) post. I...
  3. J

    TDaP vaccination and troubles

    @akeeda I'm not sure that's really what she's implying. And when it comes to people with reasonable concerns about getting the vaccine, if they mention that I'm sure most parents would understand. I think the issue with pertussis is that adults can have very vague symptoms for weeks before it...
  4. J

    Daily Chat 9/6/14 Starving Saturday and Baby Watch: DwK Edition

    What are you shopping for? What are you eating? Tell us what's in your fridge! We're also anxiously awaiting updates from /@bisi007 as she went in last night to be induced. :) You've got all our love, lady!
  5. J

    Diabetic? GD? worried about it? check in here!

    @i_labyu Thank you for doing this.
  6. J

    I was admitted to L&D Sunday due to contractions

    @b3789 I'm so glad you're alright! This is so terrifying. :( Please, please, take it easy.
  7. J

    Intro and looking for advice for how to tell my husband!

    @aud1 I look forward to hearing how it went. :) I love your last line there--it's something I'd say to my brother.
  8. J

    I think my MIL is more excited than hubby and I!

    @unbakedpegga I'm glad your family is excited! :D