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  1. 1

    New dad, totally overwhelmed and exhausted, seeks advice

    @uwpx I don't think it's unreasonable to have a conversation about if she can do a few of the night feedings. I understand the concern for PPD/PPA for the moms but dads can totally get it too. Is she also getting up to pump breast milk through the night too? It's tough when you're pumping so...
  2. 1

    I hate the notion that SAHPs are gold diggers/lazy

    @denise1961 I've learned to brush off a lot of the comments like "oh it must be so nice to be married to a doctor" "you're so lucky" etc. They just see the nice house and cars.. they don't see my husband leaving early in the morning and not coming back until later in the evening, the debt from...
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    @marc_antony I'd like to add diaper changes and/or dressing them in a shirt, pants, and socks with an infant who can't sit still as an event please lol.
  4. 1

    I hate the notion that SAHPs are gold diggers/lazy

    @daryle Being a SAHM and married to a doctor, I feel like I'm hit with a double whammy. It's like everyone just forgets that I supported us both while he went through medical school while putting myself through nursing school, so you know.. I'm a licensed professional too 🙃
  5. 1

    Is what I am doing when I am sick wrong? My wife seems to think so

    @mirbaki This is how we run our household generally. When I was pregnant with our second, the fatigue hit me so hard during the first trimester I relied on using the tablet quite a bit. I try to keep it to the educational games but sometimes I didn't care and she could just watch her YouTube...