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  1. M

    “Nobody Wants Your Kid!”

    @ntokila That’s a really good route to take. I need to teach myself to be more assertive. I’ve always been a bit of a nice girl, which I’m working on fixing. No one is owed any info about our children
  2. M

    “Nobody Wants Your Kid!”

    @trandraskell Absolutely not. And let me tell you a little story. About 3 months ago I was at Home Depot with my 3 year old. He was riding in the kid seat of the cart. We got back to our car and I was putting our items into the car while he was still in the cart. This older person approached me...
  3. M

    Pressure to breastfeed

    @davexpression You do what you feel comfortable doing. It’s not your husbands place to pressure you into doing something with your body that you don’t want to do. If you want to FF completely, do it. There are an abundance of studies that show absolutely ZERO long term benefits of breastfeeding...
  4. M

    4w+3 and holy sh*t y’all were NOT joking about the insane pregnancy dreams

    @aveotheotokos I had insane sex dreams when I was pregnant. Only time in my life it ever happened lol