@nj21 Oh! I will check facebook then. The only mom groups I like are the ones on reddit. Yall are less... hostile??? Sounds weird but facebook can be a VERY weird place with judgey moms
@nj21 Omg I never thought about this. I have no idea. I did ask about immunity boosting like elderberry drops for babies but the pediatrician was like uhhhhhhh I would not.
@bryanries I feel the love from so many people right now. I have always been a lurker on reddit. And I am like shocked but like in a good way shocked. And I feel a lot more calm now. Since they are both resting I had a little mental reset.
Okay so I think I did this right? I didnt add much I already bought a lot of cleaning supplies already.
amazon list here
We are also really hurting for gas
My email and address can be sent by dm only !
@fatesrequiem You are totally right. Thank you for believing in me!! It just felt like this was going on forever. But there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
@faither She is eating better with the zofran! But I am so sorry you had to stay there for a month. I can barely handle two ER visits. I feel like I am surrounded by a village right now of mothers and I am just really touched right now.
@katrina2017 Oh! Thank you, she did get perscribed zofran so Im hoping that will work. I will see if its in stock. So much stuff is flying off the shelves, not from panic buying but so many people are getting infected.
@savedgirl Tbh I have been flooded with so much support in the past like 12hrs now that I am actually super humbled. I have had other mom's send me so much strength and love and support that it reminded me I CAN get through this and it WILL get better. I will speak it into existence.
I have...