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    @mtnc57 yes - mamastefit has a free program for this time period
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    Fit ladies: what are you snacking on?

    @felicitys Scones
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    Glass bottles keep cracking

    @green520 omg why the downvotes! easy baby solidarity. and another vote for the avent bottles. i like the nipple too. i just shake them to mix the fat and serve cold.
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    Stupid question - calorie intake

    @kns87111 Yes, you would continue to gain. You'd need to consume fewer calories than you're burning to lose weight. If you are losing at the 2500 level, it means you were burning 2500 calories/day. If your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) is 2000, you'd need to consume less than that to...
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    How long does it take for Scar tissue to heal on perineum stitches?

    @gr8grace Not OP but hoping for a VBAC, except my C-section recovery has honestly been so easy compared to what I expected (i'm at 7 weeks, no pain, everything works). A bad tear like yours is scary when I could just schedule my next delivery and probably make my hospital happier.