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    Growth scan ultrasound - 36 weeks measuring small

    @fictitiousdinosaur I measured small with my first kid, and he ended up being 6lb 6oz at full-term. He’s a perfectly average sized five year old now, and thriving!
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    Any bike commuting moms here?

    @bdmulneaux My doctor is fine with me bike commuting as long as I pay attention to my balance and stop once I don’t feel safe.
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    Any bike commuting moms here?

    @surendered12345678 I’m 19 weeks now and still bike commuting. My ride is shorter (about 3 miles each way), but I’ve definitely noticed that it’s harder to get to my normal speeds. I have a Yuba Kombi (long tail cargo bike without e-assist) that I use for preschool drop off on the way to work. I...
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    My Cloth Journey After 6 Months

    @kennethe62 I think I need to add that drying rack to my personal wish list! Thank you for sharing!