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    8+3 weeks and tell me it gets better

    @sarahs_ It gets better! 16+4 and feeling pretty damn good right now. Some body aches and joint looseness, but I'm still walking 4+ miles most day and doing yoga 4x/week. I felt a LOT better when my food aversions toned down and I could eat meat and veggies again!
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    What can you get done while baby wearing?

    @brewster1118 My husband was able to do a ton of work at a standing desk while baby wearing! It’s a great combo.
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    What’s the best option for baby wearing after a c-section?

    @snoweh For me, the waist band on the ergo was like the c section binder, I actually really liked wearing it (although wasn’t strong enough to wear for long)
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    Spam me with your *aspirational* parenting habits for your 3-5 year old

    @charles1014 Reflection on day or gratitude discussion at bed Invite her to participate in at least 1 cooking task per day. Invite her to at least 1 home management task per day- laundry, dishes, etc Rough play and gross motor play at least once daily
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    Ab separation

    @kimmarqy So others have covered the question well, but a good resource for core stability and TVA activation in pregnancy are the pregnancy and postpartum TV workouts on YouTube. I loved her PP content for my significant DR after my daughter, too, and saw a bigger improvement in the month...
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    Calories burned

    @godseconomy Sure thing! And no worries. It varies by agency, country, starting weight, all that Jazz 😅
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    Calories burned

    @sfender I mean, I think so. But I also don’t have any edema on shins, hands, feet, not even trace. I could stand to drink more I suppose, but who couldn’t haha.
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    Calories burned

    @sfender Well, first trimester I couldn’t. I had such, such intense food aversions. I definitely am eating tons of fruits and veg now, but it’s still not enough to bring me into normal gain rates. And I’m literally weighing everything- I know for SURE I’m not even hitting my calorie...
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    Calories burned

    @jconfused Oh man yeah fighting thyroid stuff would definitely not help! My wild card was that I was on cabergoline for a prolactinoma, and went off with my positive. Apparently there’s some interplay with those meds and a rebound serotonin and leptin response? So it’s possible my insane...
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    Calories burned

    @jconfused Yeah, I’m trying really hard just to do what I can. For me, weighing myself has actually helped more- if I went based on my body changes, I’d assume I’m up at least 40 already, since I no longer fit maternity clothing I bought in my first tri 😥 It does feel so frustrating to be...
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    Calories burned

    @jconfused Saaaaaaaaaame dude. Same. I was up 15lbs by the end of the first tri. (Extreme hunger, increased to maintenance and sometimes more, intense food aversions to anything healthy). And now at 24+4 I’m up like 27 lbs 😥 actually busted out my old glucometer (from hypoglycemia ironically)...
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    Calories burned

    @jconfused Oh yes that’s a super good point! I should say then- Additional is on top of the calories that would be needed to maintain your weight. If you were previously at a deficit, you need to increase to maintenance level!
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    Calories burned

    @godseconomy It’s generally told as 0 additional first tri, 200 second, 300 third. For normal BMI starting weight.