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  1. R

    My 8 y.o. is a night owl. Now what?

    @robotclock I hope it helps!
  2. R

    My 8 y.o. is a night owl. Now what?

    @robotclock My son (almost 7) was staying up until 9:30-10 regularly. Also saying he wasn’t tired. We started a new bedtime routine that worked pretty well. Screen time ends by 8 at the latest. Then he gets 15-20 mins to play in his room. Then one of us reads him a story. Then he has to rest in...
  3. R

    Help me grieve/get over this

    @danielson0101 I was in this situation four years ago. We were about to try donor eggs - even had a donor picked out and had made the first payment- when the pandemic hit. We were forced to take a break. And that’s when it hit us how badly the stress of trying had eaten away at us, and it just...