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  1. H

    My 6 year old son's drawings are worrying....l

    @nolt A 6 year old did not draw these. Nice try, troll.
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    Discipline for poor behavior in school

    @howeryall Good luck!! I’ve seen some amazing things when everyone gets on the same page to advocate for a smart motivated kiddo who just wants to please. I actually came across this the other day and thought I would share it with you. Not saying you will go the medication route but it was an...
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    6 y/o doesn’t like any activities. Not sure what to do?

    @aristarick Make a list of everything he has chosen. Then make a list of everything he hadn’t tried yet and ask him what HE is interested in trying. If he makes the choice, he will be more invested.
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    Discipline for poor behavior in school

    @howeryall You can actually get the process for ADHD evaluation going with the school. (I am a medical assistant and worked at an ADHD clinic and have 2 children with ADHD myself). Contact the school counselor, tell them what you suspect and ask if she has a “Connor’s ADHD evaluation form” and...
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    Discipline for poor behavior in school

    @howeryall So, just to rule this out, has your son ever been evaluated for ADHD? If so, it’s really unproductive for punishing him for hyperactive and unfocused behavior that he really can’t help. It’s the equivalent to punishing a child with epilepsy for having a seizure. Also, for kids with...
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    7 y/o sister deliberately peeing in places other than toilet, and hiding it?

    @thomler So I have to add that I discovered that my 9 yr old pissed a few time in his room on the floor (under his bed. I wanted to kill him). Come to find out, he was too LAZY to press PAUSE on his YouTube or didn’t want to pause his game to use the bathroom. Literally. It could be something...
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    7 y/o sister deliberately peeing in places other than toilet, and hiding it?

    @ezekielswheels As a mother, I second this!!
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    8 year old pooping pants

    @eetu The first thing to do is get an appointment with the pediatrician. There could be a lot going on here and the pediatrician can rule some things out and better advise you.
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    @redz16 Oh good. This age can be super challenging for little ones in general. I listened to this behavior series with my daughter and used it and it was awesome! I highly recommend it:
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    @redz16 I have a son who was exactly like this. Please find a neuropsychologist and don’t just take him to his regular doctor - his pediatrician should refer out to a psychologist based on your initial concerns but a regular psychologist can’t diagnose. It has to be a psychologist who is a...