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    Milk/Colostrum delayed

    @dawnbirduk It’s true it may take a few days since her body didn’t initiate labor. Definitely bring baby to the breast and skin to skin as much as possible. I would even try to pump to get things going.
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    1st Ultrasound Today!

    @rlheart Yes! Because odds are very much in your favor for a healthy babe. Enjoy that little one bouncing around in there.
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    1st Ultrasound Today!

    @rlheart I just want you to know that even though the chances for something to be genetically wrong double/triple, the odds are still less than 1% for most things. I learned that this ost summer when I was inquiring about my fertility and the risks with my age.
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    HCG not doubling

    @triceratops There’s always hope if you’re not bleeding. And it is increasing, maybe just a slow rise. Fingers crossed for a beautiful, strong heart beat with an ultrasound next week.