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    How do u deal with the nausea during outdoor running?

    @tleew64 I like the dog poop bag idea. Thanks!
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    How do u deal with the nausea during outdoor running?

    @ktorres08 Trust me I would love to throw my hands up in the air and refuse all of this, but when we started the trying process I was reading how helpful an active life is for pregnancy and birth, so we both agreed to push me a little when it happens. I'm lucky I haven't been hit with fatigue...
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    How do u deal with the nausea during outdoor running?

    @neodakine Unfortunately him and I both go to work early in the morning. But it might be useful to push forward our runs and hopefully miss the smokers. And I did not even think about garbage day.
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    How do u deal with the nausea during outdoor running?

    @rarner I'll try the Vics on our next run. Thanks!
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    How do u deal with the nausea during outdoor running?

    @xxoceaneyesxx I'm kind of scared trying the peppermint oil. I've just read so many articles about applying it topically causing complications. Is this something I only need to worry about in the last trimester?
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    How do u deal with the nausea during outdoor running?

    Hi everybody, very, VERY new to this journey and need help. So one of my first symptoms is nausea and smell sensitivity...go me!! My husband and I try to walk/jog 5 nights a week. I don't make it far or fast (think the tank top "I run like a tortoise through peanut butter but I run") but last...