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  1. M

    Runners: When Did You Regain or Improve Speed Postpartum?

    @aliceb Everyone's experiences are different. I ran through both of my pregnancies till a few days before they were born. I started running at around the 6 week pp mark and slowly ramped up. After my first I was hitting PRs around the 11-month postpartum point. Granted I was then a stay-at-home...
  2. M

    24W - Feeling SO Defeated with Decline in Running. Tips?

    @jsykes That's so tough. During my first pregnancy around that 2324 week mark I started getting a similar pain in my calves. I took a few days off and then tried again and the pain went away. Personally I think you're growing so fast in the second trimester that it takes a while for your body to...