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  1. M

    Tell me I’m not a bad parent

    @dan54fis I would do this exact same thing. All rules go out the window when there is a diaper rash like that. Ms. Rachel is great; my daughter is a year older than yours and I can’t believe the things she’s learned from Ms. Rachel. It’s impossible to not have a complicated relationship with...
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    Baby just hates everything

    @breatly Get her screened for a tongue tie by a speech path or peds dentist. Ties can cause unrest/pain/discomfort like this.
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    Holy daycare sickness, Batman!

    @hugoeisenhour Here with you girl. Ours started daycare at 16 months (in November—beginning of winter where I live and it just about killed all of us. The worst was every fucking DAY of December. RSV followed by ear infection followed by stomach bug followed by double ear infection, followed by...
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    Waiting for the right time..

    @badone Plan the trip. Go everywhere you can now. Do everything fun now. Doesn’t matter if you only have one …every single facet of life as you know it is OVER once baby arrives, and it will be …a long time… before you are going to have the energy or will to live…oops I mean travel 😂 I saw an...
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    My 2.5 year old is a DICTATOR and it’s hurting our relationship

    @onlyjesus316 I feel you for sure. One thing I’ve had to do with my daughter who is the exact same with the wanting to be held while standing only, is sit stoically still on the floor, not engaging with her at all, while she screams and flails at me. Earplugs are a must. If she hits me hard, or...
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    Holy daycare sickness, Batman!

    @jane14 Have had this exact experience. I chuckled, woke up the baby, and then she threw up on me.
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    Limiting Screens

    @bfall I like this. Do you give her 4 actual tokens each morning?
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    Does this sound like a reasonable and or normal to you life of a stay at home mom to a 2.5 year old?

    @xeonome I cannot fathom this life. You should not be doing all of this. I’m guessing you’re husband would say something like, well I work all the time and she’s the one who wants to clean all the time anyway, the mess doesn’t bother me (idk, just guessing). But that doesn’t mean he never has to...
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    Guilty for thinking this way?

    @littledot Lol my take is your friend is mean and probably jealous
  10. M

    Are sleepovers at Grandparents normal for children 1 - 2 years old

    @dev54mal This would have been my preferred arrangement
  11. M

    How much are y'all paying for babysitters/daycare per week ?

    @987abc We always pay at least $20/hour. We paid our nanny $25/hour. I would pay her $100/hour if I could lol
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    1 year mark

    @ericguitarman Ok I love her to death but I really didn’t enjoy my child until she was about 16 months old 😂 she was soooo high needs, never slept (still doesn’t), and just so much work. She is 20 months now and I’m enjoying time with her significantly more. For me, what really flipped it was...
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    1 year mark

    @moviefan2004 Completely agree. Last 2 sentences are my exact thoughts.
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    No free time, no social life. No more. Wife disagrees

    @wisdomandlove I’m so sorry. I’m you in our relationship. I suggest pausing this conversation and comments until the two of you can speak with a couples therapist. You are stuck in a negative cycle right now.
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    Help me think through this "silly" worry? [vacations + OAD not by choice]

    @kosherinchrist I want to be one and done for this exact reason.
  16. M

    Would u take a 7-10d holiday without your 2yo?

    @perrero Your kid will love it. Maybe he’s upset for the first night/morning, but esp since you won’t be around, he’ll adjust quickly. You should absolutely go if you have this opportunity—totally worth it for your marriage.