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  1. B

    If you could turn back time, would you still have a child?

    @fudge Yes... I only waver because if I'd known that covid was coming it might have changed things. I might have wanted to wait. I'm actually glad I got in right before it kicked off because i'll turn 35 this year and the fight between getting older and waiting out covid would be incredibly...
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    A plan for figuring it out

    @wogspeaker Me and my sister are nearly 4 years - got on really well - but we went to a really tiny school so the all pupils were split between only two classrooms. Any closer and we would have been together ALL DAY EVERY DAY. I was so glad I was never in the same classroom as my sister!
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    Childless friend keeps telling me I’ll regret not having two

    @vividrichard One of my oldest friends has been angry and distant with me since I got pregnant, because her partner won't agree to have kids yet. It does cause intense feelings. I live in hope we'll be friends again on the other side of our 30s.
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    My kid basically told me to stop gentle parenting her

    @davida50 Hmm I don't think I would ignore what she's saying but I'm not sure she has got it completely right either. Does she really never want to be asked about what she thinks or feels? It seems unlikely. It sounds like she wants you to change how you talk to her, so maybe think about tone...
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    Why isn’t this particular risk of back to back pregnancies ever discussed?

    @jayfrost123 Omg that is really increasing the risk of rupturing your uterus on the second go to do that. It makes me feel a bit sick because either women are unaware of the risks, or they put their own health so far down the list of priorities that they sacrifice themselves just to have this...
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    Long term contraception solutions for OAD

    @nocalove You can get sterilised in the UK as a woman. They have that usual reluctance when you're young and childless, but I would expect they'll be OK with you. Have you considered taking your husband to the doctor with you to talk about vasectomy/sterilisation? Because it's a lot riskier a...
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    [Serious] Parents who feel that preschool/pre-k teachers are “just babysitters”: why do you feel that way?

    @naomi_sarai Interesting. I think what the pandemic has taught us about education is that when you get right down to it, all school is childcare. Teachers have complained about being called babysitters forever, and then were faced with the reality that schools always had to stay open for some-...