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    AITA for not wanting to go to restaurants with our 13 m.o. twins?

    @james02s40 My little guy is in the 4th percentile while his sister is in the 61st percentile. Don’t get stuck on that. One meal out will most likely not be enough to cause a significant issue with their weight. And, eating new food in a new place could be a great learning experience for them...
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    S.O.S. 4 month sleep regression!

    @slaw777 Like a vampire from twilight, just didn’t need to sleep, that would be very helpful! Added bonus, you don’t age, these graying hairs wouldn’t be a thing. Also, a second set of hands I could pull back in my body like Stitch from Lilo & Stitch the Disney movie.
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    S.O.S. 4 month sleep regression!

    @annaboleyn Just thought of this. I’m a formula mom. If you’re breastfeeding maybe it’s a fore-milk/hind-milk issue.
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    S.O.S. 4 month sleep regression!

    @annaboleyn How on earth did you get them to sleep 10 hour stretches at night. Mine are almost 5.5 months and the longest stretch I get is 6 hours, and it’s only form my son, my daughter’s longest is 4.5 hours and she’ll wake up screaming like a banshee because she’s hungry.
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    Which one?

    @briannas Thank you, I’m in touch with an RE, I’m just waiting for them to open up for testing. They will do a video consultation kind of thing, but no testing until things open up. I don’t know if a video consultation without an opportunity for testing is worth it. We’re also thinking of doing...
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    Is my son’s pre-k teacher unable to handle him? Or is there something wrong with him??

    @joerev I can see both sides. Frequent defiant/violent behavior such as kicking furniture shouldn’t be a regular occurrence, but occasional defiance is typical. “Isn’t normal” is NOT a phrase a teacher should use. If there’s a school counselor of some kind, asking to have son observed a few...
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    Which one?

    @tmp I will say that my cycle seemed just slightly more regular when I was on the pink stork vitamins and tea, but It may have been a coincidence since I feel like I was stressing less at that time than the months that we’re irregular. Idk. Thank you though.
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    Which one?

    So, my husband had heart palpitations and blood pressure spikes using “Blue Stork” from Pink stork. I used the woman’s version and saw my O day come a few days early, but obviously we’re still here. So, I want to try something else for both of us. I’m not trying to break the bank though...