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  1. B

    How do u do it?

    @jeremygray36 Don't do this to yourself, brother. Move out as soon as possible for the sake of your mental health. This relationship is over, there's no point sticking around and putting yourself through unnecessary suffering. Spare yourself the nights of watching the clock count down...
  2. B

    Clothing for kids with 2 homes

    @wenura Since you only live 1.5 blocks from each other there is logistically zero reason why things need to be duplicated, and your daughter could theoretically bring things from house to house. If you ex is open to that suggestion then I would tell your daughter she’s responsible for managing...
  3. B

    Everything changed

    @kimberl321 Then it’s definitely time that you guys return to court and get your parental rights and responsibilities set in stone. Because the court order will list what topics you and your ex are required to discuss, it will allow you to place restrictions on how he communicates with you, and...
  4. B

    Everything changed

    @kimberl321 Do you guys have a court order already? That’s usually the first step when trying to switch to a more professional coparenting arrangement.