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  1. J

    "Call mum and ask her to send me to foster parents", "she's a b***h that should die already" - What can I do as big sis?

    @lemuil You must be super stressed! I am so sorry. The thing about folks like your mom is that they can always go louder, meaner, more terrible than you. It is their form of control. You try a thing and they make it AWFUL. So it becomes very difficult to try another thing. And you are...
  2. J

    "Call mum and ask her to send me to foster parents", "she's a b***h that should die already" - What can I do as big sis?

    @lemuil She is in an abusive situation. They both are. She is communicating thoughts of self harm. You need to contact Children's Services. Professionals need to be involved. I am sure that seems terrible and it feels like you can try to manage the situation but you can't. And it really...
  3. J

    My 4 year old’s behavior has been going downhill lately and I have no idea what to do

    @outbackhatter Well, talking back and being a bit difficult sounds like a normal 4 year old. But regressing so far in potty training and sneaking so much food sounds a bit concerning. I would talk to your pediatrician for advice. Good luck!