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    Can't get pregnant after 3 years of attempts

    @thecookdebra Not really. You can test everything and get perfect results and still be infertile. An HSG or SIS is usually ordered, but maybe your partner already did that. You could ask your RE.
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    Can't get pregnant after 3 years of attempts

    @thecookdebra Honestly, you can have all good numbers and tests and still not conceive. It’s called unexplained infertility. We tried unassisted and had four IUIs for 3+ years before starting IVF in September. It sucks, but it is what it is. If you’ve been to a fertility specialist I would trust...
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    Scared to try - bad egg quality?

    @frncsca My gyne recommended one, but only because she was also seeing the same RE. It probably depends on your insurance, mine doesn’t cover anything so it didn’t matter for me.
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    Scared to try - bad egg quality?

    @renny562000 Great! I hope the RE can give you some good insight on next steps. Also just a gentle fyi, the term “unassisted” is preferred over “naturally” since there is nothing unnatural about fertility treatment.
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    Scared to try - bad egg quality?

    @renny562000 There’s really no way to know what your egg quality is like without doing IVF. With your time trying and losses it would be perfectly acceptable to go see an RE. They would be able to do some testing and explain your options based on your past experiences and the tests.