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  1. C

    Freezer Stash & MIL

    @bastarr I would lose it. Keep us updated. Even though my mum raised 2 children, when she babysits I leave a bottle or satchet with the particular amount of milk (max) that my LO can have during that time. Last time I left I literally hid the rest of my freezer stash in an opaque plastic bag in...
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    Question around social situations

    @rickardbriggs Can't answer r.e. the nighttime. For me I don't really have guests over past baby's bedtime atm. For the naps tbh I can't be bothered with the crib and having to possibly resettle, I choose a contact or pram or carrier nap.
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    transitioning to crib

    @john178 Same lol. My son is 9m pp. Floor bed is great for my back too
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    How long are your weight sessions?

    @cptbobproffesoromemeology Half hour 3x week should be enough imo for maintenance. I lift 40m 4x week and walk 20-30m 3-4x week and yoga 1x week. My sessions used to be 60m of lifting 4x week, no way I could do that now!
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    11 week old kicking and squirming

    @freescot Is he being burped? Or does he have gas? This happened to me when my LO was that age. I tried mylicon drops for a while before his last night feed and before night feeds and it worked. It did pass though
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    Decreasing number of night feeds while cosleeping

    @southern_at_heart Have you tried side lying nursing ? I feed and barely feel awake lol. Can your partner take your LO at night or in the morning so you can sleep for 3/4h and you pump b4 or after you sleep. As with all babies this sounds like a phase. Teething or growth spurt
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    Wondering if I’m going to regret our sleep habits in the future

    @pastorinny Can I ask how old your older children are? I need hope