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  1. P

    I need success stories, pls! (40 F)

    @silverfang That's a lot of changes for 2 weeks. Maybe dial it back slightly and focus on the most important changes so you sustain them better. Since you're already hypertensive, definitely follow your physician's guidance on managing that. You should ask for a referral to a dietitian who can...
  2. P

    What to expect of a bilingual 2-year old?

    @newbelieverinchrist Mine is almost 3 and he's finally starting to sort through his languages and speak the right ones to the right people. The problem we're running into is complexity of expressive speech, which I attribute to the differences in grammatical structures of our respective...
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    Do bilingual kids feel left out at school?

    @lippy1004 If my kid feels left out at daycare, you'd never guess it from watching him. He is very social and is fully engaged in play with his peers. Kids will pick up the community language pretty quickly. My kid still throws out a mix of all his languages, so much so that I'm trying to...
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    For those of you exercising 5+ times a week

    @austins3991 For me it was 5k walks every day whilst pregnant. Now it's 30 minutes of stationary bike with moderate resistance, which I started at 6 weeks postpartum
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    Multilingual + Baby Sign Language Anyone?

    @kingdomconsul Our kid only got as far as "eat" and "more" in baby sign language, and those were the only ideas he really ever cared to convey (even in our spoken languages!).
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    Three languages, can’t do OPOL

    @fayanth I collect books in our target languages. You'd be surprised at what's available in Russian, especially if you locate ethnic enclaves. And if it's not available, and the book is simple enough AND your penmanship is good enough, get a good pen and translate onto the page.
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    Asian parent trying to speak Spanish. Feeling judged

    @sholay2011 The haters can suck it. If they get weirded out by a Japanese-American speaking Spanish, then they need to be reminded that Alberto Fujimori ruled Perú (poorly, but ruled nonetheless) throughout the 90's (sidenote: Freaking Perú had an Asian president before the United States!)...