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  1. K

    I strongly disagree with my bf’s sisters parenting style, Do I just sit back and ignore it?

    @mollyg Wow. I can’t believe our legal system sometimes.
  2. K

    I strongly disagree with my bf’s sisters parenting style, Do I just sit back and ignore it?

    @mollyg I’ve talked about it before. But I don’t think my boyfriend would ever forgive me. And he would know it was me. You know what’s really fucked up, when J was trying to get full custody / Child support for R from her father, the father told the judge that N watches R and the judge didn’t...
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    I strongly disagree with my bf’s sisters parenting style, Do I just sit back and ignore it?

    @toliver No I don’t want the father in the picture. That would probably lead to even way more problems. I’ve only met him a handful of times. But as far as I know, he has been in and out of jail a few times. He was on the run for a short time, fleeing from a hit and run scene. I’ve also been...
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    I strongly disagree with my bf’s sisters parenting style, Do I just sit back and ignore it?

    @realsavior That’s a good point. I’ll definitely keep that in mind. You can already tell R’s mom is already putting her against her dad and vs versa.
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    I strongly disagree with my bf’s sisters parenting style, Do I just sit back and ignore it?

    @katrina2017 The reason I approached it that way was because between my boyfriend and N they already set it up and told her that she needed to apologize in order to get her phone back. So I kept with that theme. I tried getting her to talk and I asked her questions, but she wasn’t responding...
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    I strongly disagree with my bf’s sisters parenting style, Do I just sit back and ignore it?

    @singnsuzq Unfortunately we can’t move out until August, as my BF is waiting for his mother to pay him back money. But that’s another issue. I’m not dead weight. I pay my fare share of necessities and rent and do more chores / cooking / cleaning than anyone in this house combined. As for my...
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    I strongly disagree with my bf’s sisters parenting style, Do I just sit back and ignore it?

    @aryianna Thanks for this advice. I’m going to really think this through. See if I can come at this in a positive way without stepping on J’s shoes. Like I said down below, I’m not sure how far I should go without over stepping.
  8. K

    I strongly disagree with my bf’s sisters parenting style, Do I just sit back and ignore it?

    @217 TBH if I didn’t know her as a parent we would probably be really great friends. We have a lot in common. I’ve taken them on several trips and such, we’ve always had a good time. I don’t want to step on her toes as a parent because yes, you are right, I am not in a position to talk. I...
  9. K

    I strongly disagree with my bf’s sisters parenting style, Do I just sit back and ignore it?

    I’m [25F] live with my boyfriend, E [25M], and his family. We’ve been together for 3 years. I’ve lived with them for maybe a year. Background on me: I don’t have kids. But I love kids. In my elementary school year book it asks “what do you want to be when you grow up?” My answer “mom.”...