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    Sex after birth

    @djkenetics Thank you.
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    Sex after birth

    Hi you all If this is not allowed, let me know, but o don't know where to post this. I am now three months postpartum, been cleared by the doctor, but I just seem to have a very low sex drive. Part of me wants to the other really cannot be asked. During pregnancy we didn't have much sex...
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    Slowing Down

    @oranges Info: you have gone to the gym before the pregnancy or you just started? The first trimester is a bitch, at least in my experience. Exhaustion hits you out of nowhere, same with the morning sickness. If you didn't go to the gym beforehand, I don't think Body pump is the right way to...
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    Husband running a 2 day race a month after I’m due

    @yuliza I am five weeks PP and let me tell you, you will get the hang of it. My husband is going back to work on Thursday and we have had trial days where he is close but mostly spends his time in the woodshed. It's hard and I needed a time out by myself last week, but it's doable. I'd say...
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    Need some encouragement and support..

    @kassandra Do it right after getting up in the morning. It helped me those last few week. Otherwise I would have not done it at all.
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    Calories burned while working out

    @erinbeery I don't check the workout burns, more what I burned in one day, which is generally between 400-800 (depending on what I did that day.