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    How to convince my sister

    @christians I'll likely be 39 when this baby is due, and plan for another in a few years. My mother was 42 when my sister was born. Do what will make you satisfied with life, don't let others dictate that. I'm very sorry for your loss.
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    Genetic Testing anxiety

    @micah1 Hey, also in the club on 38 now at 31 weeks, it's a coins toss if I'll deliver before, after, or on my 39th birthday. This is an IVF baby, so the genetic tests started before they were inside me! In some ways that made the NIPT and early scans easier, knowing this little cluster of...
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    I was not expecting taking care of a newborn to be so hard

    @cerri I am bipolar II. I've been trying to navigate the fraught landscape of feeding in advance, and blew up at a lactation consultant who just wasn't getting how severe my risk of postpartum psychosis is...
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    Sleeping/pregnancy pillow advice needed

    @taylors I wrote a comment here when I was about as far along as you on my elaborate setup. I've since grown past that threshold where back sleeping is both uncomfortable and dangerous. Now I rotate between a full side sleep and lean, with the baby bub against my lower back and my hugging pillow...
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    I was not expecting taking care of a newborn to be so hard

    @job28 That's exactly what I'm doing! 4 hours uninterrupted is something of a magic number for me I'm aiming for and have already figured out that EBF is right out based on that.
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    I was not expecting taking care of a newborn to be so hard

    @job28 Thank you for being the one person. I'm reading this thread in terror as an expecting FTM with a sleep-sensitive psychiatric disorder.
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    Apps say belly might start to feel firm (9W), but doesn’t with the extra fluff

    @onlyway019 15 weeks. This is when all my abs rearranged themselves, been tight as a drum ever since (26 weeks now)