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  1. C

    Hunt, gather, parent

    @joshdons Your comment about narration raises a point that’s always been interesting to me. Since so much of the way that parents in the book operate is predicated on societies that look very different from ours, to what degree should we as parents be stepping in to fill the gap of the village...
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    I had forgotten how different I am from other parents

    @jasa Damn, a “waste of time”? That just made me really sad.
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    Night weaning

    @debbie_s It might be tough without dad’s help. If it’s possible, maybe he can take a few days off work. Or if he can nap at some other point of the day... Just my two cents. It will be tough to do on your own.
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    Everyone thinks I’m crazy. Am I?

    @tisanewseason We contact napped with our now-5yo and it was totally fine. If it works for you, keep doing what you want. Those people are telling on their own insecurities.
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    Cosleeping moms... when did you ditch the C-sleep position?

    @rocknroll15 I never really thought about it intentionally, it just felt right for a while. I think we stopped around 3/4 months though. Now she just kind kid sleeps next to me, and attaches to the nip sometimes. If you want to move baby to their own bed and they sleep well there, do it, why not?
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    Struggling with Toddlers Roughness

    @brad94 My kid (now almost 4) was exactly - I mean exactly - like that when she was younger. She’s still a very active child but now it’s easier to redirect that energy (hello trampoline gym membership). I have no advice. I just know it happens and it’s hard. But don’t feel like you have to...
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    Wondering if I’m going to regret our sleep habits in the future

    @y0ung1996 Hate to break it to you, this is how most babies sleep. Mine is one and I work, my husband is a SAHD. There is no magic bullet. Sleep training isn’t a magic bullet, and even if it was, there is no way that I could do it from an ethical and emotional standpoint it’s just wrong to me...
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    Why my Asian Upbringing Made me consider Attachment Parenting

    @ell3bee What would be your advice for someone who doesn’t have much of a village? My biggest problem right now is trying not to be overwhelmed and not direct that unnecessary anger toward my children. Too many demands of me and only one me.