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  1. R

    “It’s like you don’t want to cook anymore” MAYBE I DON’T!

    @de_maria I love to cook, and I’m a housewife. I’m responsible for breakfast, lunch and dinner for a four person family 7 days a week. We don’t order in, we don’t eat out. 3 out of 4 months I love planning and cooking meals. Then I burn out for a few weeks. When that happens, I fill my freezer...
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    (Spoiler: Funny) The DANGERS of bed-sharing 👿

    @yummymummy5 No one warns you that the bonding is incredible. Or that you won’t want to stop even when they’re 2, and counting.
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    Co sleeping isn’t working. Nothing is working

    @chenml60 We EFF’d for the same reasons. A bottle to sleep was a miracle. We struggled with the same things you did, OP, and what worked for us was putting LO on the 0-6 month feeding and eating schedule in Moms On Call, which advises a bottle before sleep. It’s just our n=1, but LO slept...
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    Co sleeping isn’t working. Nothing is working

    @chenml60 Is it possible baby has reflux, so laying down flat may be hurting?
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    “Cosleeping/bed-sharing creates dependent children”

    @apostolicfaithone1 Can I hijack your top comment and ask you a follow up question? When I’ve told critical friends or family that babies can’t self-soothe at this age, they often respond by saying that their kids or other kids they know DO self-soothe, and that sleep training was effective for...
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    Daughter coming home after TBI Wednesday, I’m terrified and full of fear even after trying to be grateful and hopeful. My heart aches

    @tim_goodnews A family member of mine has a TBI from an accident in her early teens that left her in a coma for weeks, during which she coded twice, and doctors told her parents that she would be lucky to even be able to tie her own shoes again due to the TBI. She is now in her thirties, happily...
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    First time being mom shamed was because of co-sleeping

    @hopehouse I would have laughed and said “oh my sweet summer child. When this baby is born it will do things it’s own way, and you will accommodate it in ways you would NEVER imagine today.” Then just call her a noob and laugh it off.
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    We can’t bed share because my baby is formula fed? Explain

    @lesernle I EFF also and we cosleep. I always get downvoted for saying that I haven’t totally bought in on the argument that BFing is safer for cosleeping, because the reasoning seems like just a guess. But I’m with you, mitigation of risk is the goal, and I feel we did that even with EFFing...