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  1. N

    I was not expecting taking care of a newborn to be so hard

    @atlanta Newborn is the HARDEST stage - everything else gets easier after that (when they can lift their own heads, their guts work better, they can smile at you, etc.). It literally is the 4th trimester, it's having an itty bitty being designed for the perfect conditions of inside your womb...
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    Running and avoiding widening feet

    @halleluyah See, two years before I got pregnant I got very into "barefoot style" shoes and running. I had struggled with bunions and foot pain all my life, and was desperate enough to try going off the crazy orthotic arch support and try to strengthen my feet on my own. It's been amazing -...
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    Helping toddlers with fear of bees/bugs in a productive way?

    @youanna As an elementary teacher, please, PLEASE do not teach your kids to scare away bees with a loud yell. This causes major freak-outs on the playground, and is more likely to result in a kid getting stung, since yelling and waving their arms and freaking out makes the bee feel more...
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    For anyone in the 1st trimester worried that they’ll not going to be able to exercise at all in their pregnancy

    @glory2jesus So if I'm reading this correctly, it looks like from late March to early June, you didn't ride at all (I'm assuming that was when first trimester fatigue/tiredness was at its worst), and then you were able to get back in the saddle? I'm in the throes of first trimester right now...
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    24W - Feeling SO Defeated with Decline in Running. Tips?

    @jsykes Keep in mind that you are now carrying a bowling ball with you everywhere you go. So if you find you have to start walking/hiking instead of running, you're actually "rucking" with a weight that keeps gradually getting heavier the further you go in pregnancy.
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    Am I too granola for crocs for my 2.5 yo?

    @lpadr009 Thanks, I will look into those!
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    Am I too granola for crocs for my 2.5 yo?

    @ellyflowers I wear more barefoot-style shoes myself, because a lifetime of wearing pointy-toe shoes plus genetics = terrible bunions. I wish I'd been put in them as a kid instead of into conventional shoes so I wouldn't have to rehab my feet in my 30s. I'm specifically trying to put toddler...