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  1. N

    Started the journey on 12/12! Already feel like a bad mom/partner. Help? 🥲

    @pletharoe 6 days in I (a typically very unemotional person) was crying to my husband that “I don’t like doing things I’m not good at and I don’t feel like I’m good at this being a mom thing.” I was convinced I was doing everything wrong. I too had a c-section and even with the meds I was in...
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    4m/o exposed to covid-need breastmilk help

    @edmerch1984 This was exactly the case for our family as well. My daughter has been EFF and it barely phased her. An ear infection has been 10x worse than COVID was on her.
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    Does this sound like a reasonable and or normal to you life of a stay at home mom to a 2.5 year old?

    @xeonome Just because he pays for everything doesn’t mean he’s excluded from all parental duties. Our agreement is while he is at work, the home and our baby is my full time job. But once he gets home we split responsibilities 50/50. He gets home around 5:30pm, I try to have dinner ready, we...
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    Is it weird? Nipple size

    @wrennelson143 All babies are different so definitely not weird! But if you’re wanting to try to move up there is actually a “T” nipple size (means “transition”) between premie and 1. We were on the T size for months!
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    Is this a stupid idea (running related Q)

    @mhbb2 Fellow runner here and I wouldn’t recommend it. My doctor was pretty adamant no new forms of exercise or increase in training during pregnancy. That seems to be the common recommendation in this subreddit as well. Bet you could walk that 8k and still beat quite a few people!!
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    3 week old’s feedings taking 1.5-2 hours

    @hannah4jesus Interesting.. because our SLP is the one who recommended the T nipple.. we had never heard about it until her 🤣
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    3 week old’s feedings taking 1.5-2 hours

    @flyingfoamies I was thinking upping the nipple size may help. If your using doctor browns try the “T” nipple. It may be taking so long because he is having to work so hard he gives up and falls asleep. And he may be taking in a lot of air while struggling.
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    Make your dental appointments

    @p8089 Oh for sure. My mom had me at 25 and my sister at 27… by 29 she needed so many teeth pulled on the top they just took them all and gave her a denture. No dental issues prior to pregnancy, but apparently we just wrecked her teeth. Made me terrified. I went during my first trimester, third...