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  1. M

    Help me wean my baby and release guilt

    @starchysocks Sorry to go off topic but - What made you decide to schedule a c section with your second? My first baby was an unmedicated vaginal birth and with the second I had a scheduled c section because he was breech. I really disliked the c section and I’m still having some pain 3 months...
  2. M

    Any fellow D-MER (dysphoric milk ejection reflex) sufferers?

    @kt71 Yes, I had it with my first and nobody believed me - my doctor had never heard of it. I sent her an article on it and she was like “oh hm… that sucks!” It went away eventually, I don’t remember when - probably at 3 or 4 months when breastfeeding was very regular and I didn’t feel my let...
  3. M

    Struggling to do “everything” *venting*

    I have a 4 year old daughter and 5 month old son, who is ebf. My daughter goes to preschool MWF, but I homeschool her on Tuesdays/Thursdays and will begin full time homeschool in August. I have a WFH job that i’m currently doing part time. Im working around 20 hours a week in the evenings...