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  1. N

    Hype me up and tell me I CAN do a short international flight alone with my two kids (3 years and 9 months)

    @alhale Do it! At worst, it's one bad day. I've flown solo with one baby once and two kids at 1 and 4, 2 and 5, and 3 and 6. Only one time did we have a "bad" day, and it was just one leg, then it's over and you'll never see these people again. It's more challenging than normal but at worst...
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    Made a PB&J, cut it into quarters, then realized…

    @givemeareason You can pick out the parents, they are the ones who gently sway for no reason.
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    STM’s, did you actually “bounce back”?

    @cuteness20 I had my first at 35 and was back at prepregnancy weight and hitting running PRs within a year. But it wasn't bouncing back -- it was hard work, starting all over with C25K and pushing 50 pounds of stroller (and more recently 100 pounds of double stroller) for hundreds of miles. It...
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    How do u deal with the nausea during outdoor running?

    @unmaskedhearts Can you and your husband swap out for early morning jogs? Running first thing in the morning was the only way I could keep it up. It had the benefit of making me feel less nauseated all day long compared with days I didn't run. Wake up, slam some saltines, put on your shoes...
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    Still hiking at 32 weeks!

    @eurombrem Beautiful view! So happy to hear about it!