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    Hot tub usage?

    @hawkblue27 Yea ours had been between 90-95. At first it feels refreshing if you’ve been outside prior. But then it feel comfortably warm. But not hot. I’ve missed it these last couple months. I’ll ask my dr in a couple weeks to be sure. Thanks for responding!
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    Hot tub usage?

    I wasnt sure where I wanted to post this question. And I’ll also ask my doctor of course. But I figured some of you ladies may be like me and have used a hot tub in the past to soothe sore muscles from workouts. So. We have a hot tub at my house. Since the beginning of the summer we have...
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    Calories burned

    @katrina2017 Same. I’m happy with my weight as long as my doctor is happy. And I’m right in line currently where they told me to be. I am just surprised by the amount of food that I can eat without gaining. How much I weigh isn’t obviously a priority to me right now. I’m not concerned about it...
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    Calories burned

    I know that pregnancy itself does not burn many extra calories during the first trimester. But is it possible that I am burning many more calories during exercise and other activity than before I was pregnant? I ask this because I have not gained any weight yet (9+0) despite some days of eating...