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  1. G

    11 week old kicking and squirming

    @freescot I second the gas comment. My baby started kicking and flailing so much starting around that time, it was driving me crazy. I read that she may have to burp. Lo and behold, she would usually have a huge burp if I sat her upright and burped her. She has stopped for now (18w), but if she...
  2. G

    Bed rail for an ikea malm bed

    @davidjb I would do an under-the-sheet bumper instead. It’ll do the same thing but not have the entrapment risk and it will fit any bed
  3. G

    Turned back in sleep

    @jordanmom23 We still rent it and plan to until she outgrows it (edit: we’ve had it for 1 month). Our baby is only 4mo. I use it when I’ve worked a night shift (too tired), or when I’m gone for work over night (husband can’t bed share). We use it for some naps, too, but we cosleep the other...
  4. G

    Turned back in sleep

    @jordanmom23 FWIW, we rented a snoo at 3**mo for when we couldn’t bed share and our baby took to it pretty well. It’s been worth the investment considering the alternative was everyone not sleeping.
  5. G

    Turned back in sleep

    @jordanmom23 I don’t want to scare you, but TBH, that is concerning at 3.5mo still. If your baby was older, I’d say turning your back would be fine, but at 3.5mo they still have such limited mobility and risk re-breathing/suffocation still if they get rolled into your back. You might try using a...
  6. G

    Did my shoe size really just go up :'(

    @afolkytouch My feet grew half a size after a pregnancy that ended at just 18 weeks. They never went back down even after losing more weight than before and it’s been 2 years. They are literally longer than before, not necessarily “puffy”. I am 21 weeks pregnant again and I’m hoping that I don’t...