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    Baby won't accept breast nor formula - help!

    @jayh87 I see! Yeah that’s a pretty different approach to what I experienced. Here they only take the ng tube out once the baby has mastered feeding. In our case it was the day before discharge. Out of interest, what country are you in?
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    Baby won't accept breast nor formula - help!

    @jayh87 I don’t think it’s realistic for a young NICU baby to increase your milk supply by nursing. They’re just too weak to do that. That’s why moms who want to breastfeed a NICU baby need to exclusively pump. 35 weeks is still quite young for feeding in the NICU. In our NICU the earliest...
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    Baby won't accept breast nor formula - help!

    @jayh87 The obvious third option would be expressed breastmilk in a bottle. Have you tried that? I’d also recommend doing a weighted feed with some breastfeeding sessions. They aren’t super reliable but can give you some idea of what your baby is drinking. How old is your baby currently? It can...
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    ROP in 9 month old experiences?

    @ozy20 Did your baby get screened for ROP while in the NICU and what was the outcome?
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    14 hours in the pediatric ER- the most grateful I’ve ever been for breastfeeding

    @mss91z28 What an ordeal!! Are you expecting any more CPS follow up? But yes I think that’s exactly the beauty of breastfeeding. You don’t need anything except yourself, your baby and a spot to sit (or lie) down. Once you’re past the initial hard phase it’s so incredibly convenient. For this...
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    How to remember the good times that happened in the NICU? (Long stay)

    @alusuw We have a NICU journal that was in his room for the entire stay. The nurses wrote lots of entries in there and even added pictures. If he wants to understand what happened later we can just give him the journal!
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    Mentally struggling not being able to hold my baby

    @rawo I also delivered by emergency C section at 29+5. (And immediately after my baby was loaded in an ambulance, I followed a couple of hours later.) All of this resonates with me! I vividly remember that overwhelming sense of wrongness, he should not be in an incubator but in my belly; and if...
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    Tell me your stories of your 28-30 weekers

    @kimhimmel It was very scary! And exactly like you described; one day we were talking about his first bath, next day he was really ill. However baby’s that are born at normal gestation can also get very ill from this kind of infection. It was just very unlucky that he contracted it. We’re just...
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    Tell me your stories of your 28-30 weekers

    @kimhimmel Their birth weight and gestational age, and single or multiple 29+5; 1525 g; singleton (boy) The reason and circumstance of their premature birth (e.g. planned delivery versus emergency, pre-e, PPROM, etc.), including if the birth parent was able to receive steroid shots/magnesium...
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    Haakaa breast pump

    @vanessastudentresearcher This is my experience as well. Once my supply regulated a bit and I stopped leaking, I stopped catching anything with the Haakaa.
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    Big brother going to prek soon! How can I best protect baby?!

    @erin30ga You’re not going to prevent your toddler from getting sick. Whatever you do. We do hand washing when we get home from daycare, changing clothes is overkill imo. The obvious other one is to keep him away from the baby when he’s ill, no kisses, no touching the baby (especially not face...