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    What’s your worst part of being a one and done parent?

    @balimanp Yes we’ve got two small dogs! That’s a good idea. I recently downloaded peanut as all, like a day or two ago because someone else recommended it to me. I’ve got a few matches so far, but it seems to be people who live like an hour away. Really hoping to get a match with a kid my kid’s...
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    What was the moment you knew you were OAD?

    @cassmith Oh god I feel so bad for you. I know how bad it sucks I wouldn’t wish that on anyone. I agree it was awful for all of us.
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    What was the moment you knew you were OAD?

    @cassmith I had morning sickness for a while with my first pregnancy, but it went away after a few weeks. I couldn’t ride in a car without getting sick. It wasn’t too horrible, just at night mainly. But then the second time around I had severe HG, i couldn’t function. I lost 12 lbs in one...
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    What’s your worst part of being a one and done parent?

    @balimanp Do you ask for their phone number or just offer yours? If you offer yours how often do they reach other? I’ve had two people that I exchanged numbers with and then I messaged them like a week later and absolutely no response. Found another one and our girls got along great! And she...
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    What was the moment you knew you were OAD?

    @topshot I feel the same. I think about it and I’m like how could I handle a newborn and a kid in kindergarten. How could I function, get my one up for school and be able to also work on zero sleep. How could I take care of the one I currently have if I also have a baby that’s completely...
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    What’s your worst part of being a one and done parent?

    @juniorcanada I’ve never had tinder but I’ve heard about it, I know you swipe to match or dismiss people. It definitely feels kinda odd lol I just signed up. Where’s the discussion boards? Are they automatically on “my feed?”
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    Baby #2 Posts

    @sas31 Same here! Why does it seem so much easier for all these other people? I personally could not handle a second, it would be way too much for me. I see parents with multiples 2-4 and they seem to be coping alright. But then I see ones with more than one really struggling and I think thank...
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    What’s your worst part of being a one and done parent?

    @jacksondj I just downloaded it! I downloaded NextDoor over a year ago but it’s mainly a bunch of old people.
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    What was the moment you knew you were OAD?

    @samkruger I know what you mean. When I hear about someone I know having a second I first feel relief like thank goodness that’s not me.
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    What’s your worst part of being a one and done parent?

    @jolene250 Yeah I’ve definitely noticed that. I’ve had a few people not message back or reply after we exchanged numbers. So I just moved on.
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    What’s your worst part of being a one and done parent?

    @jolene250 We go to a ton of those! Do you just go up to people and ask to do a play date? How often does that work?
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    What’s your worst part of being a one and done parent?

    @jolene250 Where do you find people to do play dates with???
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    What was the moment you knew you were OAD?

    @mjes I was the same. I didn’t know if I even wanted kids.
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    Why isn’t this particular risk of back to back pregnancies ever discussed?

    @ponzaj Yeah I would lose my mind. I can’t be around two kids very long like when my kid is having a playdate. I can’t imagine that 24/7
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    Why isn’t this particular risk of back to back pregnancies ever discussed?

    @osu1 I had a friend who had her first at 17 and just kept having more and more. She’s got 5 now. Somehow she’s like a super chill person idk how she does it.
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    Scared ttc for high-risk pregnancy, why can't I move on with gratitude for my one?

    @kosherinchrist I know it’s tough when there’s so many pros and cons. You grieve the life you could have had, the second child you could have had. I’ve been pretty set on being one and done but I’m not going to lie having a second crosses my mind sometimes. I know realistically it wouldn’t be a...
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    My kid basically told me to stop gentle parenting her

    @davida50 Right! I stress myself out by caring so much lol
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    My kid basically told me to stop gentle parenting her

    @madepurethroughchrist Ugh I struggle so hard with knowing whether I’m parenting the “right way.” Like I have no idea if what I’m doing is going to have a negative effect on her later down the line.
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    I’m able to handle more than my only on occasion because I’m not stretched too thin

    @catlover88 I love this perspective! I completely agree. I like being able to say yes or no to situations like this. If I don’t feel like I can mentally watch two kids then I don’t.