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  1. S

    Is it really slut shaming?

    @harpsgigi That’s a good point on the social media coaching. He desperately wants someone to love him, but isn’t understanding that having someone to throw I love you back and forth with isn’t anything like actually knowing and loving someone. Add on horny teen and it’s a disaster waiting to...
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    Is it really slut shaming?

    @feargodnotthem This is my fear :
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    Is it really slut shaming?

    @feargodnotthem He swears he didn’t send anything to her and I believe him. He’s usually pretty transparent. I don’t even know what to do with her sending it to him 🤷🏻‍♀️
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    Is it really slut shaming?

    @feargodnotthem I checked his actual phone this morning and can’t find any evidence he saved it. I mean, Teen Me would have just emailed it to myself but also I wouldn’t be chatting on a platform my parents monitored.
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    Is it really slut shaming?

    @sherrielynn So true!
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    Is it really slut shaming?

    @lonely I’m 99.999% sure she’s real. It’s not uncommon behavior given the kind of girls he’s seeking out and he’s had a chain of girlfriends we’ve met in real life that were similar situations. Plus they’ve also been FaceTiming. I really do think the other kids mom needs to know, but am I...
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    Is it really slut shaming?

    @starrfairy Yeah, my first go round w a high schooler went a lot smoother. This second one is gonna be the death of me! It’s a long story, but I’m not his bio mom. She left and I’ve been his primary female parent for the past 8 years. He deals with maternal abandonment issues (but hasn’t...
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    Is it really slut shaming?

    @starrfairy I think you’re right. It’s been my experience that the strictest parents don’t have the most obedient kids, just the sneakiest. He’s done this same thing over and over again since 7th grade 😭. It can be exhausting.
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    Is it really slut shaming?

    @starrfairy I’m 99.99% sure she’s real but who knows these days?! He saw that she had commented on a mutual friends picture and contacted her. The mutual friend knows her IRL so I’m assuming it’s not someone who’s impersonating the girl. She has sent a bunch of teen typical photos. He has a...
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    Is it really slut shaming?

    @julia13 You’re right and if her parent/guardian isn’t checking her phone it’s unlikely me notifying them will change anything. I think I still want things to be like my hometown, where all the parents helped each other out. The whole ‘village’ thing, you know?
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    Is it really slut shaming?

    @kalulabelle It’s a great point and I definitely hadn’t even considered it. He said he didn’t send anything (and I do believe him) so that’s good!
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    Is it really slut shaming?

    @kalulabelle They went to the same middle school but I will def read that article because I’ve had some really smart people get catfished!
  13. S

    Is it really slut shaming?

    @kalulabelle I’m 99.999% sure it’s a real girl, as they have a common friend who talked to both of them as an introduction. She also mentioned her mother was a cop - which makes me super worried about child porn charges.
  14. S

    Is it really slut shaming?

    My 16 year old recently earned access to social media knowing we monitor it and have full access to his account. He met a girl on Instagram about 8 hours ago. Since they started talking they progressed to boyfriend girlfriend, full on I Love YoUs, but seemingly first the kid sent my son not...