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    Greek yogurt vs homo milk

    @heloise23 Definitely a Canadian thing haha. It is so common that I promise you no one even thinks twice when they say it.
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    teachers feeding kids too much junk

    @binfoco I get that I'm on a moderately granola thread, but I do want to insist that it's probably not that they don't care, it's that they evaluate information differently than you do. Some would say that you don't care because you aren't making a parent group for healthy snacks (the parents at...
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    teachers feeding kids too much junk

    @binfoco Some of the worst eaters I know are thin people. I don't think it's fair to say that because his teachers are fat, that means that they don't know how to feed the children in their care. You said that your fellow parents bring in all these treats. It sounds like they're the problem.
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    teachers feeding kids too much junk

    @katrina2017 If I were trying to raise my kid to avoid obesity, I wouldn't treat sugary snacks as if they were "bad" foods. Keeping sweets from kids can make them want to more and makes it difficult for them to develop a neutral relationship with food.
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    “No DoNt Do ThAt YoU’LL HaVe To cLeAn ThE DiApErS!!!!!!!” - half our family/friends reactions when I said we’re doing cloth

    @colmustard My mom cloth diapered us for a while, until my dad stuck one of us with a pin lol (he has a palsy of some kind so not great motor skills). So she's been open to it which is nice. And then I haven't been telling anyone else because 1) I'm just 21 weeks now so lots can change and 2)...
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    “No DoNt Do ThAt YoU’LL HaVe To cLeAn ThE DiApErS!!!!!!!” - half our family/friends reactions when I said we’re doing cloth

    @damon50 It's wild to think that in just a generation or three, people have completely surrendered to the idea of disposables. Disposables haven't even been around for that long, really.
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    Big Sale on Torrid Mat Clothes

    I know many of us struggle to find cute pregnancy clothes and Torrie can be kind if hit and miss, but it looks like they have a lot of basics on sale, like 35% off. Link is here.
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    Is it better to give my baby as much breast milk as possible in 6 months or space it out in smaller amounts for a year?

    @seye I just tossed a freezer drawer of frozen milk that was g r o s s. I was EP for a while while baby refused to nurse so I just had extra at the end of the day. So no extra work for me really but still so sad to toss it. But we need the freezer space more than we kneed to keep milk baby won't...
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    Measuring 6+5 when I should be 7+4

    @healingacts Measurements at this point are so small, it's hard to be accurate. The difference between 10mm and 12mm is so tiny but can indicate different weeks.
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    Glucose testing

    @praying4peace I also didn't mind it. I had some unflavoured clear kind and it tasted like the syrup that comes with fruit in a tin.
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    TTC and had first fertility appointment. What a shit show

    @wiseguy451 It's a huge sacrifice for so little, long term and on average.
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    TTC and had first fertility appointment. What a shit show

    @pollinnna230 I'm sorry you've had this experience. As others have said, you should definitely look for a new doc if you can. I wanted to add that you're right that the #1 thing that affects egg quality is age. Of course you still have lots of time, but waiting for weight loss isn't the move...
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    What is your experience on getting off the pill while being plus size?

    @brokenlyperfect Letrozole yes, inositol no.
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    What is your experience on getting off the pill while being plus size?

    @brokenlyperfect The reason why weight could affect reproduction is that fat cells make estrogen too. So you have the regular estrogen being made and regulated through your ovaries and pituitary gland but then you also have this unregulated back channel of estrogen being made, so your hormone...
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    Told that anesthesia would be difficult and dangerous. Anyone have any experience?

    @jpocd Don't listen to this doctor. Listen to your regular doctor and tour anesthesiologist. Finding the right spot on a bigger person can be trickier and they may have to play around to find the dosage that works, but once everything is in the right place, it all works the same.
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    Pregnancy and weight Rant

    @newbie2016 The single greatest factor that affects egg quality is age. At a certain point, it's negligible... there probably isn't much quality difference between a 25 year old and a 27 year old. Taking the time to lose weight or improve lifestyle could be worth it. But for most people, it's...
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    Seeing Movement Outside Of Stomach?

    @lone_disciple I'm 5ft5 and was 240ush lbs in pregnancy and could definitely see baby moving around in there!
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    @ehnglo Might be worth it to take a photo and hide it away somewhere. Your body will never be the way it was (not saying it'll be worse or anything, just that you can't uncarry and unbirth a baby).
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    And here I am at 25w, with a cute rounded bump:
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    Positive Experience

    @thony You're so right!